Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Union ads pointless as they support Labor

A union funded anti-privatisation TV campaign against the Bligh Labor Government has been tagged a ‘costly smokescreen’ by the LNP who say it will be a waste of membership money.

"Unless the bosses in the union movement give a guarantee to strip the Queensland Labor Party of any financial backing at the next State Election, these adverts are useless," Lawrence Springborg says.

"It was ironic that the union movement had announced an advertising campaign just two weeks after electoral returns confirmed that Queensland’s trade unions had spent $600,000 in March this year on campaigns to ensure Bligh and Labor were re-elected."

“Ron Monaghan and his Labor Party friends directed more than $600,000 from members’ contributions to support Anna Bligh and Andrew Fraser at the election with not one word about how, as soon they were returned to government, every asset would be cobbled together for Bligh and Labor to sell in a fire sale.”



Stuey Traill said...

The Premier and Ministers gave commitments to the Unions both verbally and in writing that a re elected Labor Government would not Privatise. Based on that commitment and the fact that the LNP refused to rule out Privatisation, assistance was given to the ALP by various unions.
Less than 3 months later we faced Privatisation.
JPL and the LNP are merely grandstanding on this issue because the truth is that they still refuse to rule out Privatisation. Both the ALP and LNP currently have the same strategy and we will campaign against all sides of Politics that continue with this madness.

So called 'bludger tree huugging money grabbing socialist lefty teacher' said...

Anna Bligh's government is Labor in name only, just as the LNP is supposed to inclusively support the views of the almost defunct Qld Liberals. Those of us who have lived here for some time are all too aware of the National Party's standing on privatisation over the decades in Qld.

At least these unions are doing something about stopping it.

BTW the QTU has always supported the party that has done more for education in this state. From 30 years experience I don't for a minute think the (faux) Liberals/National party combo would be any better if they were in government