Sunday, 5 August 2007

"This is not a time for change" - Cr J Pezzutti

Last week I heard Pat Morrish's discussion on ABC Far North with Cairns City Councillor Pezzutti, that "this is not a time for change in the leadership of our region. We need an existing mayor or experienced Councillor" he said.

Well, maybe this current Council should look at it's track record of leadership on it's environmental; urban planning and development issues; it's long term water and waste management. Only last month have they decided to collect paper for recycling, when almost every other Council around the country have been doing this for years!

To think that this current leadership team could be trusted with the overseeing of World Heritage areas like the delicate and ancient Daintree Rainforest is preposterous!

There may be only 7,000 votes from this Shire on a greater regional Council, however I propose that many of the Cairns residents would not support a Byrne-led team if the Douglas Shire was part of it's catchment. Tactical voting will occur and even locals who do not live in the existing Douglas Shire boundaries, will not support the development-mad Cairns City Council team with their dirty paws on the Dairntree.

A strong alternative team with a sound vision, a genuine community spirit and the ability to engage and listen to it's constituents, is what is needed at this time. Bryne has showed no ability other than a capitalist greedy view of growth.

Now is the time for change.

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