Thursday, 26 February 2009

First mozzie breeding fine issued

As Cairns Regional Council issued the first $400 fine today to a Gordonvale resident for allowing mosquitoes to breed in discarded tyres, the tally of Dengue infected residents pipped 564.

489 people have been notified with the disease in Cairns, 70 in Townsville; 2 in Port Douglas, 2 in Yarrabah, and 1 in the Cape York community of Injinoo.

“This fine is really a final alternative for Council to clamp down on residents who are not heeding all the public warnings,” Cairns Mayor Val Schier said in light of the first fine issued.

Cr Paul Gregory, whose Division encompasses Gordonvale that has so far escaped any local infections where the $400 fine was issued, urges residents to make use of the free of charge disposal of rimless old tyres. "This is being offered at the Babinda, Gordonvale, Portsmith, Smithfield, Killaloe, Newell, Daintree and Cow Bay transfer stations," he says.

“Disused tyres are a real concern in the fight against dengue because they hold water and are the perfect breeding site,” Cr Gregory said. Free disposal is available until 8 March.

Council's on-the-spot fines are on top of Health Orders, which can be issued at properties where the ‘potential’ for breeding exists. These attract a $400 fine as well.

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