Monday, 16 February 2009

A major Australian Internet company says that the Australian Government’s plan to filter what we look at on the net, is like what the Chinese Government does.
"We've got instances of that around the world, particularly in China where the government forces filtering upon their population," Andrew Sims of Primus told NewsLTD. "My professional opinion is I don't really believe that forced filtering is a good option."
Who would have thought that a Labor government would tell us what we are allowed to see by enforcing all Australian internet companies to block certain sites via a secret blacklist of websites.
Senator Conroy announced six companies that will take part in the web filtering trial. They are
They've told their customers about the a trial, and that they can opt-in to it. "Customers who feel that it's an invasion of privacy or who don't wish to participate for whatever reason won't have to."
The three largest providers, Telstra, Optus and iiNet, are not involved. iiNet said it would take part in the trial to prove the scheme was unworkable, whereas Telstra shunned the scheme and said they wouldn't have a bar of it.
"The Government is well-aware of technical concerns about ISP filtering and that is why we are conducting a pilot, to put these claims to the test," Conroy said. "The live pilot will provide evidence on the real-world impacts of ISP content filtering, including for providers and Internet users."
Those wishing to know more about this draconian censorship, should have a look at the No Clean Feed campaign.

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