Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Premier’s poll waffle prompts pregnant parody

It's nice to see South East Queenslanders have a sense of humour. They must do, look where they live.

Following my stunning portrayal and uncanny likeness, if I may say so myself, of the outgoing Premier of Queensland, Anna Bye a couple of days ago, Craig Johnstones' Courier Mail political Blog couldn't help but reprint my Annaity Fair 'magazine' cover.

An extra 2,160 'Southerners' clicked on CairnsBlog this afternoon and finally discovered there is life north of their rat race. I wonder when Anna comes to town campaigning with Desley next month, if she'll invite me along for a photo opp?

Here's some of the comments posted so far...
  • Hmmm, I trust Ms Bligh sees the funny side of this blatant feminist attack on her. Where is a similar photo shop image of Lawrie “The Borg in a mini skirt showing stockings and suspenders (ala Alexander Downer)and a little bit of cheek to boo?
    I might ask the creators and I don’t hold my breath expecting to see a similar treatment for Lawrie only the sheela. Shame on some in this community!
    Spiro Serafini (Reply)Wed 18 Feb 09 (04:32pm)

  • quixotic replied to Spiro Serafini Wed 18 Feb 09 (05:36pm)
    Nix I tried to link it but it wouldnt work but its a tshirt from If you are really interested go to the top tab drop down menu and find the tshirt “I wanna put my..”

    Take it easy Spiro, it is just a bit of harmless fun from a bloke in Cairns who, although left leaning, is still able to criticise the current government objectively.
    Michael Moore’s blog is a good read, and the Circusmouse cartoons that appear on the site are often both controversial and witty.
    Well worth a visit!
    Jake (Reply)Wed 18 Feb 09 (04:50pm)

    Poor little diddums Spiro Serafini - where’s your sense of humour? As for Lawrence- you would be looking an an immaculate conception, which is unlikely either in birth or political terms.
    socrates (Reply)Wed 18 Feb 09 (04:52pm)

    Very tastefull I think, although considering Annas age the skin may not be as tight as it was. Bit of harmless fun, she is an attractive lady, just don’t agree with her.
    rp of Sunshine Coast (Reply)Wed 18 Feb 09 (04:55pm)

    Classic and all true.
    Snoopy of Brisbane (Reply)Wed 18 Feb 09 (05:47pm)

    Finally a use for Anna.
    Robo of Bris Vegas (Reply)Wed 18 Feb 09 (05:56pm)

    Yes very funny. I note the QLD Labor fanatics find it hard to take their own medicine. They love to refer to hicks, banjo playing Lawrence but the sad reality is they come across as the no sense of humour rednecks!
    Well done Michael Moore.

    Al of Stretton (Reply)Wed 18 Feb 09 (06:51pm)

    While its only a mockup, at least Anna looks a darn site more attractive than Springborg did when he threw off his shirt all those years ago to stand in front of an ironing board (and looking mighty uncomfortable) and make like a man/woman!!
    Palmer of Brisbane (Reply)Thu 19 Feb 09 (06:29am)

    Isn’t it funny how no one is allowed to lampoon the left or the Labor Party in Australia. Totally unconstituional. Where are ‘The Chasers War on Everything”. They achieved their purpose after a blaze of publicity before the last Federal election and now are seen no more.
    shaun of deeragun (Reply)Thu 19 Feb 09 (08:18am)

    While I’m all for Labour winning the next election and I have deep respect for Anna Bligh (yes and I’m not ashamed of what I believe in)I find this pic absolutely hillerious.
    Ive noticed a few people saying that the labour supporters are finding it hard to swallow their own medicine - well I’m sorry but this pic has just made my day and I dont see this as insult to the govt, its just way tooooo funny to take seriously
    Astounded of Goodna (Reply)Thu 19 Feb 09 (09:06am)

    Dam what a thing to see before I had my first cup of coffee in the morning
    Dam (Reply)Thu 19 Feb 09 (09:39am)

    Craig, earlier this morning I was in the car and had the radio on (4BC) and heard Greg Carey mention that the Bligh Government was going to now refer to the Opposition as the Nationals, and not by their proper name the LNP (Liberal National Party).
    I agree with Greg Carey when he said that it is pretty underhanded and stinks of a Government trying everything possible to stay in power - ‘whatever it takes’ I guess; and trying to con ignorant voters who don’t take an interest in politics inbetween elections.
    Anyway hasn’t been a whisper of it in the online news so wondering if you have picked up on it and what your thoughts are on the matter.
    Realist of Brisbane (Reply)Thu 19 Feb 09 (01:34pm)

    I see that Annaity is spending thousands of taxpayer dollars on poltical propaganda to cover up her Health Minister’s poor decisions. Time for them to go.
    Al of Stretton (Reply)Thu 19 Feb 09 (02:17pm)

    I don’t care what side of politics a person is on , this type of political sarcasm is not funny, rather it is grossly in bad taste, and highly offensive. There are other ways to get the polyical message over which are more effective.
    Tom Aquinas of Brisbane (Reply)Thu 19 Feb 09 (03:34pm)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to see your fame spreading far and south Mike!