Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Aussies, bugga off to Wellywood

Talk about a smart local Council.

There's a lot of rubbish jokes said about New Zealand, and like many Ex-pats living abroad, we know how to laugh at ourselves. Here's our 'national anthem', a real gem from the late 80's, or this classic Sheep Shagger commercial from a few years ago, not to be outdone by the infamous "bugga" advert.

You can zip across the Tasman from Cairns for $215 on Virgin. Bargain.

The Wellington Regional Council has developed this website. This is the kind of initiative that Council's should be doing. They're promoting a free trip from anywhere in Oz, just watch the video below, 42 below!


Anonymous said...

As an ex Aucklander, colloqually known as a "JAFA" by all those living south of the Bombay Hills, who has flown many times into Welly, I can vouch for the "extreme" sport of flying into Wellington. I can also recommend for the thrill seeker, the interisland ferry with a good southerly blowing. I could never understand though why the National Museum, housing all the National Treasures was built in a city that resides on a fault line, on land on the seaward side of the shoreline that was raised after the last major earthquake in the late 1800's. For the unwary, being in a swaying building during an earthquake can be a bit unnerving though. Great ad and if you haven't been to Welly, it is well worth the visit.

The Essence of Good Taste said...

"World Famous in New Zealand"... :)

Anonymous said...

L & P (Lemon & Paeroa) - you can buy it in Cairns, just have to look for it.