Saturday, 28 February 2009

Councillor Lesina faces up to Briggs

In what seems a endless list of questions surrounding the unorthodox actions of Cairns Regional Council CEO Noel Briggs, this week he is telling another Councillor how to run her affairs.

Briggs now wants to clamp down on what staff and elected Councillors do on their online social networking pages.

"I will be having a friendly word to Councillor Lesina," Briggs said in response to our youngest elected representative having a public Facebook profile.

In a letter to the Cairns Post, Kirsten Lesina corrects the newspaper's reporting of her Facebook content.

"I would like to clear up a couple of misconceptions from your article yesterday. Firstly I am not, and never have been in a group called '1 Million Strong against Labor'," Lesina writes. "I am however in a group called '1 Million Strong against Sarah Palin'. Perhaps you got a bit confused there. I will admit that the Sarah Palin group, whilst not controversial, is somewhat outdated."

"I see no problem with having seen (and liked) Zack and Miri Make a Porno, which is currently one of the top box office movies in Australia."

Lesina points out to the Cairns Post that the same newspaper was giving away free tickets to see this movie.

"I find it interesting that you didn't choose to mention my status message from the next day which urged people to give money to Wildlife Victoria to help look after the animals burnt in the Victorian bushfires."

They headed up Kirsten's letter with "Lesson learned on Facebook". Hardly Mr Editor! Pay attention to the story. Unless you mean the Cairns Post has learn't the lesson.

She also addresses the CEO's request to make her Facebook private, and therefore only accessible to her friends.

"I will continue to keep my Facebook on a public setting so that my constituents can learn a little bit about me and, of course, to provide the Cairns Post with stories on a slow news day."

Nice one Kirsten. And next time you see Noel, tell him to get on with his real job.

I find it interesting he's now targeted Councillor Leu, Forsyth and now Lesina. I'm starting to see a pattern, don't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Cairns Post is really vile.

But this kind of beat-up (distort-shock-gasp!) journalism is a worldwide phenomenon in The Empire. Inaccuracy is so great - and so systematic - that it simply can't be 'accident'.

See Murdoch's Solar Power for a recent example from Britian.