Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Boyle says no

Just a day after saying she will support a green waste collection, to minimise Dengue breeding sites, Cairns Labor MP, Desley Boyle, now says she will not back any State funding to support such a collection by the Cairns Regional Council.

Boyle's flip flop will surely influence those Councillors not willing to spend further Council resources and money of such a collection.

"I asked the Member for Cairns and her State Government to support this practical way of helping eradicate residential Dengue mozzie breeding sites," Councillor Pyne told CairnsBlog. "She was receptive, if Council voted for this at Wednesday's Water and Waste meeting," Councillor Robert Pyne told CairnsBlog.

However, late this afternoon, Boyle rescinded her offer to seek State support, as the virus toll reaches 370 cases. It seems that the Labor mates of Councillors Lesina and Forsyth will also not support Pyne's motion. Me thinks they've been talking.

As the State election announcement nears, last week Desley Boyle asked the left-leaning independent Councillor Pyne to help with her door-knocking campaign. Maybe his refusal to engage in this, influenced Boyle to not support this outspoken Councillor?

Oh, Desley, it doesn't matter, it's only a pesky mosquito virus. What can you do anyway?

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