Friday 27 February 2009

To close to call

A Courier-Mail poll, out this evening, puts Labor and Liberal National Party side by side, just 23 days out from the Queensland State election.

The results show the LNP on 43%, and Labor on 42%, showing a 10% fall since this time last year.

The pollsters also asked respondents about the top concerns for the State. LNP leads on health, which is bound to be a defining voter issue of the campaign.

37% were unaware Queensland had lost its AAA credit rating. Today, Moody's placed the State's credit rating on review for possible downgrading. Standard and Poor's last week lowered it from AAA to AA, predicting the net financial liabilities would surpass operating revenue.

The poll also concluded that one in five voters was less likely to vote Labor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moodys? Standard and Poor's?

Those jokers should shut up about Queensland's credit rating.

What about their own credibility rating?