Monday, 4 October 2010

Be blown away by climate change

In what David Farrar at KiwiBlog calls "sick little fuckers", the climate change 10:10 campaign folk have produced a campaign ad.

They're campaigning for people to reduce their carbon emissions by 10% in 2010, and by every year thereafter.

The video is rather confronting and would have made for some great debate on the Gruen Transfer. Just for not taking part in the campaign, the school kids get blown up. How such a message with this implied threat is meant to change behaviour, I have to wonder.

You will see why it was pulled from TV rather quickly.


Bryan Law said...

R U sure this wasn't done by The Wilderness Society? No pressure.

Hingehead said...

What a gruesome misconception that was. You should probably mention that the video is the creation of Richard Curtis, kiwi born black adder creator.

I guess you could bag 10:10 for hosting it but a least they changed their minds. What's your motivation?

Matt CYP said...

Err..Mike, isn't it obvious that this skit is meant to ridicule people who want to see action on climate change? by portraying them as extremists who demand compliance?

It isn't actually a misguided attempt to get people to reduce carbon emissions.

That is obvious, isn't it?

Matt CYP said...

I take it all back! I googled 10:10 and found that this creepy little video was indeed an attempt to stir us to action with humour. I kid you not - humour!

Misguided is putting it mildly.

I'll just tiptoe quietly back to the kitchen....