Friday 28 September 2007

No public holidays, rest & penalty breaks, annual leave loading, time with family

Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey has said if he were able to negotiate an Australian Workplace Agreement, he would trade away public holidays, rest breaks, annual leave loading and penalty rates for increased pay.

He said he'd trade off times with his kids, and have their grandma as carer.

Hockey earns more than $200,000 pa, and believes under an AWA he could double that.

So, just for Joe, here's an appropriate song from Mike and Xenia...


Anonymous said...

You bloody lefty tree hugger ....

Anonymous said...

Then Michael is in good company annonny mouse because I'm a bloody lefty tree hugger too - and proud of it. Oh and to avoid your stereotyping I also have my own business too so I'm not a dole bludger.... are you?