I just got this nice email from a web-surfer in a small remote township in New South Wales.. and thought I'd share with you:
- Hi Mike,
I like your style - having a few problems with Councils myself, I stumbled on your blog. Any blog that the mayor tries to shut down must be therefore very good so my hat goes off to you!
We are a part of a rural community in NSW enjoying the quite life in a beautiful part of the coast - now however the mining axe has begun to materialize with a lot of residents up in arms.
It seems that initial contact with Council on the issue has found a number of councillors come out on the miners side - stuff the locals.
What do they know anyway? (Obviously vested interests play their part here and this particular Council has a bad reputation).
Some however do seem to want to preserve what we have so.... it seems to me that a local blog after the style of yours may be a great idea to let people know what is happening and who believes what. I can do all the development and maintaining of the blog but I would like your opinion as how to get rolling - not the technical aspects but from the marketing side. Mainly a few pointers like where the stick is drawn, is it effective?
Paul Spiller
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