Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Yodie Batzke starts blogging as a 'community advocate'

Former Federal candidate for Leichhardt Yodie Batzke, has set up her on blog, called UAdvocate.

"UAdvocate's main purpose is to provide a voice for the community," Yodie Batzke says. "Having an understanding on how political decisions are made and whether or not you can have input into this process is important."

She says this is important for future generations and hopes that UAdvocate will not only provide an opportunity for people to have their say, but able to share tips on how to be involved.

Yodie intends to put herself up again as a candidate in next year's Queensland State election.

All Cairns' blogs are listed in the BlogRoll on the right-hand sidebar here on CairnsBlog. They show what story was added last, and are sorted by most recent activity.

1 comment:

Aunty tom said...

With such a mega amount of votes she did not get at the last election .

You wonder why she would bother , ego maybe ?

Never heard of her until she joined Riddell and his campaign .

Who does she speak for her own people did not support her at the last election .