Saturday, 1 May 2010

Caption Contest: Anna Bligh and the Cairns Labor team

Here's your opportunity to go wild again, in the incredibly world-famous CairnsBlog caption contest.

The Member of Parliament for Barron River just dropped off his glossy newsletter in my letterbox that said 'no junk mail', so I thought this celebrity-packed photo needed a wider airing, beyond his faithful and dutiful constituents.

The line-up is impressive. However why the PR minders allowed these fine civic leaders all in the one room at the same time, surely is a breach of security and a rather obvious terrorist opportunity, especially from the folk at Palm Cove and Trinity Park.

There's Steve Wettenhall; Mulgrave muscle man Curtis Pitt; Popular Princess Premier Anna Bligh; Demotion Darling Desley Boyle, member for Cairns; and Jase the Ace Jason O'Brien, member for Cook and parts of Cape York.

What were they saying? What should they have said? Why were they allowed to all be in the same room? These are the big questions that need answers. As always, be kind and cruel but above all, be funny. Naughty words won't be tolerated, but will be pinned up in the CairnsBlog office. I'll start the ball rolling...

  1. "Why on earth did you lot think that a New Deal for Cairns meant putting Kevin Byrne back in?"

  2. "Just say that the insulation programme wasn't our fault but don't talk about Kevin or Peter, blame something like the global recession or the ozone layer depleting..."

  3. "Warren, I mean Curtis, if we have one more report of you zipping around on your bike in skin-tight lycra, we'll lose the tradie vote - however we might pick up the gay vote in Edgehill."

  4. "Steve, since you did a sterling job on personally rebuilding the Yacht Club building in your patch, I now want you to help Jason build another 300 in Bamaga."

  5. "Our election catch cry will be something like... 'jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs', just like last time, but this time we'll say it with more conviction and a little less integrity. Does that make sense?"


cols mate said...

How do we shut that riddell bastard up ?
he is on parachutes pitts arse.
he is on steve who used him and never even said thanks arse.
he made desley look like a tosser with her dugong net floating from asia theory.
he imitated mumbles on air and we all thought it was jim.

Bryan Law said...

Wet 'n No Balls: "Why are we here? What's going on? Think I'll try my serious look";

Pitt the Younger: "Nice shirt. Really, really nice shade of blue";

Boss Boyle: "Those earrings make Boss Bligh look 10 years younger. I must get myself a few pairs";

Jase the Ace: "Imagine the size of my pension. I'm set for life";

Boss Bligh: "I'm history! But at least KRudd's going first."

Jude Johnston said...

Steve, you have said that 663 on the waiting list for Public Housing have a preference to be located in the Northern Beaches. I have it on good authority that 34% of housing in Kewarra has been bought for Public Housing, we have Bluewater, Palm Cove and 29 units in those ghastly Glencorp developments at Clifton Beach and I understand that we have an option on another 21. How about you talk to Paradise Palms and see if those units they want to build down the middle of the first fairway can be fast tracked for Public Housing.

Tony said...

Can we count these handouts in our promised capital improvements for the region?

Unknown said...

Well I saw the light and left the labor party, so I emailed them a quick response to an email that left the SW office with the entire membership list on it, I was surprised by the returns how many people supported me, and yet the level of why I shouldnt leave (even from Val herself). I would have thought that she had more pressing things to do like find jobs for the unemployed, obviously a too hard a task for her to even think of doing...

Now for the email I sent

Hey Guys

I have not renewed my ALP membership solely due to the privatisation issue and people refusing to answer emails about why they supported Anna Bligh.
With this I have also tendered my resignation as the local contact for rainbow labor

So my caption is

My Führer the dont sell the fatherland activists have entered the secure area around the bunker!



Lateral thoughts said...

Jude Johnston

What a fantastic idea's girl you are! Steve Wettenhall - The Labor party needs to put Jude on the payroll for coming up with a real solution to the public housing problem in this State.

There's over 600 units and villas planned for the Paradise Palms redevelopment, and those 663currently on public housing wait-list in the Cairns area, if they hurry can book their space on the plan, overlooking the 9th fairway, the lake and some might even have sea views. Transport at their door and other facilities including the clubhouse (restaurant and bar), the 25m pool, putt putt golf, and the free child minding (read here, drop off kids at outdoor playground/pool and leave all day) facilities. Has much more to offer than Palm Cove or Trinity Park combined.

There are even a large number of houses (probably about 20/25 along the Captain Cook Highway that have failed to sell, so, housing might be on offer too. These houses have been advertised as "executive homes", and are now just sitting there going to waste.

No doubt the Vision Grp have been stalled in their high density plans due to the GFC, but just think, if these homes/villas could be purchased/built by the State Government for overinflated prices, it would be a win/win situation all around....

With a large portion of the golf course, now rezoned for Tourism/Residential, ....the
public housing shortfall in Queensland and 100% Cairns,could be solved..........


Constance Lloyd said...

On a Sunday biblical theme:-

"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake."

"Behold, here is a wisdom also in me for your good."

"And again, I say unto you, I give unto you a new commandment, that you may understand my will concerning you"

Goldenboy said...

"Captain Bligh none of us want to go down with the ship, but we've taken a vote and decided we'll stay with you anyway."

Cairns Resident said...

Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. Does five jobs cover all of us?

Jan from Kewarra said...

Once upon a time, there were 4 little pigs..........

there was Silly Steve, Parachute Pitt, Dimwit Desely and Jace the Ace.