Friday, 28 May 2010

Calling all installation artists for the 2010 Cairns Festival

This year's Cairns Festival, or Festival Cairns, as it was called last year, is only 85 days away, running from 20 August to 5 September.

There's now a hunt out for visual artists of the far north to submit their sculpture proposals for this year’s Esplanart exhibition, a popular exhibit last year's Festival Cairns, I mean Cairns Festival.

It's hoped that again public art will line the Esplanade, with weird and unexpected works of art that will make the waterfront walkway far from boring.

“Last year we saw a giant cupcake, multi-coloured shark fin and little houses on stilts among the 10 artworks on display,” said organiser Eric Holowacz. “We’re pretty excited to see what will be submitted this year, but you can be sure the exhibition will give the people of Cairns plenty to talk about.”

Ten artworks will be selected and displayed along the waterfront throughout the festival. Submissions will be considered by a panel and successful artists will receive a small commission. Artists should contact Kate Hard at the Cairns Regional Gallery on 4046 4800 or drop her an email. You must get your proposal in by Friday 11 June.

An artist who refused to be named, said he wanted to construct a sculpture in honour of long-serving Councillor Alan Blake, who resides in a 10th floor Lake Street apartment, overlooking the waterfront. "It will be a monster, 11 stories high and will be a giant prick," the discreet artist told CairnsBlog. "I think it's something that he'll appreciate and the local ratepayers will enjoy. It will just stand around doing nothing for a month."

The Cairns Festival, I mean the Festival Cairns, or whatever it's going to be called, is supported and presented by Cairns Regional Council. The full festival programme will be available in late July.
  • CONTACT Eric Holowacz, Cairns Festival Producer Tel 4044 3086, mobile 0457 898 566

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