Monday, 17 May 2010

Caption Contest: Jim, Kev and Wayne

A rather cheeky CairnsBlog reader sent in this amended photo. She suggested that I run one of the infamous caption contests, and as I didn't want repercussions or a molotov cocktail through my window, I obliged.

This is local Federal MP Jim Turnour, with the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and the guy holding the purse strings, Treasurer Wayne Swan. They got together recently for a group hug to look over plans for the massive Cairns waterfront performing arts precinct.

As my contributor has already started the ball rolling, I'll leave it to your imagination to add suggested conversations from Kevin's bunker.


O'Halloran Bro said...

Hey Jim, have you got the numbers up there? If it looks dodgy, why not run as an independent against Wendy Richardson?

I hate Imposter said...

Robbing Dudd told Jimmy Turn me-over, that he was sick of writing the lines for him as he now "is working hard' to keep Julia 'Pinnocchio Nose' Gillard of his scent trail.
And did you see how Joe 'I am an Armenian' Hockey gave Lindsay Tanner on ABC Q&A, a political dressing down on reality politics.
I have never witnessed such a rabble masquerading as professional office holders!

The real JT said...

Hey kev If I keep saying a million times "I am working hard" do you think it will convince people I am not just an empty suit.

And if peter "the roof fairy" and julia "the I am not after kevs job" and martin " I was the worst actu leader ever" come up every month until election time .

To make me look like I have not ignored every thing .

People might think they laugh at me in parliament because I make funny comments and not a complete joke of a member ?

I hate Imposters said...

I have just heard Jimmy Turnover on the ABC and he sounded like his grab was the first use of the robot since it was recharged overnight.
Will his minders organise several elocution or speech therapy lessons.
Perhaps our Wendy could give him some free lessons under the Members of Parliament stimulus package.
Then again he only has a couple of months left until he is put out to pasture and is it a good investment?