Monday, 17 May 2010

Curtis Pitt the new deputy whipping boy

Mulgrave MP Curtis Warren Pitt was elected as Deputy Government Whip today by his Caucus colleagues.

"The Government Whip Margaret Keech (Member for Albert) is a great organiser," Curtis said. "I'm really looking forward to working with her, as well as the other Deputy Vicky Darling."

However he says it's a little bittersweet, but not the pitts.

"Due to my new role, it won't be possible for me to continue as one of the Deputy Speakers. I enjoyed being in the Speaker's chair as it really helped me to gain an understanding of the Standing Orders and learn about parliamentary procedure and the intricacies of the legislative process."

Pitt is also on a number of committees including the Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges; Local Government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships; Main Roads; Child Safety and Sport; Education and Training; and Disability Services and Multicultural Affairs.

Drop Curtis an email of who you'd like to be publicly whipped in in the State Government. I think we could arrange public floggings, midday every Friday in City Place.

1 comment:

Bridgeboy of inness FAIL said...

Boy is the apt word parachute