Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Jim's quote of the day

  • "Obviously I will be going to Canberra knowing that this region is still doing it pretty tough.

    I wouldn't necessarily be expecting a response to that in the budget..."

    JIM TURNOUR, Member for Leichhardt.


I Am The Stig said...

Did you hear this Goose on Radio National this Morning explaining the reasons for Cairns having the highest unemployment number in the Country. It is due to the GFC, extended Wet and Tourism Numbers being down but it has his undivided attention.
And we pay this fool to represent us?????

Smithfield Sam said...

Jim Turnour - an empty suit who's patterned his career after our Prime Minister.

Sadly, he's more like the Straw Man from the Wizard of Oz, singing plaintively "If I Only Had a Brain".

Fellow traveller said...

Oh dear me, this man must go.

He is knitting with one needle...sort of one wave short of a ship wreck.

The ALP is hoping that Stench will do him over and then they can start again and put in someone with a backbone for the 2013 election!

The Socialist left, the McLaucas faction has the numbers and 'Turn me now on Jim' is safe eventhough he is a joke.

Clifton Beach Ratbag said...

Empty Suit Turnour just sent me an email inviting me to "drinks and can o' peas" with Julia Gillard on the 19th at TAFE ($30) or breakfast with the Minister for Tourism Ferguson at the Sebel Cairns on Tuesday, the 18th ($55 for "General Seating" (but still close enough to fling an egg or tomato) or $110 for seating at the Minister's table (8 places only).

It would be wise to fill up these venues with disgruntled voters who can voice our dissatisfaction with virtually everything Turnour.

colin riddell said...

Thanks for the tip I Will be there at both venues dressed as a cut up alive sea turtle ,get ready to get embarrassed jimmy boy

Jim aint done yet said...

Gillard visting Cairns next week - expect an announcement relating to local infrastructure spending under the New Infrastructure Program...

J toot said...

There was an australia wide hand out of billions of dollars.
And this region got not once cent more and probably less than anywhere else.
So every time tool head turnoor opens his stupid mouth I laugh.
He stutters out the only line they taught him , the the the rudd govt $43billion stimulus package waffle waffle waffle.
If this useless moron did not have that to run out you would never hear him at all.
Then again that sounds ok too.
Can't wait to see him shuffle along behind gillard and the useless prawn ferguson , looking over their shoulders bobbing his stupid head.

Having a cold shower said...

All you bleeding hearts wanting Jim to prance around like doing the haka should have a cold shower.
Jim is working to a script and that is to lower community expectation. His is doing a wonderful job;now go back to work and ask what you can do for your country, instead of what the country can do for you!

Love me, love me not... said...

Jim aint done yet...you are a joke mate.
Is the Budget in Draft form. Typical of a rudderless administration all spin no results or is Julia running the country after all.

Bazza said...

I reckon you are right yk, Riddle has certainly become that.

Clifton Ratbags Rule said...

J toot, I think you're wrong. I believe the KRudd strategy is even more slimy than can be imagined.

Here's what we're going to see. Julia will be here next week, and she'll make some big announcement to the local community that extra funds are going to be allocated. The performing arts centre, some more roads, blah, blah. The Laborites are going to still dish out the goodies like always, but by doing it in drip-drip-drip to electorates where they're in trouble, they're hoping the national media don't figure it out and add it all up.

They're Labor. They can't go to an election without spending up big. But they've got this "stealth funding" plan that allows KRudd to continue and pretend they're being "fiscally responsible".

Watch and weep.

I know who said...

With gillard here in may ,ferguson here too and the the "killer from the roof filler " garrett the rumour that jimmy was asked to stand down has some merit hey?
I can't wait to tell you who was asked to replace the dill and he was too stupid to stand down .