Friday, 14 May 2010

A bouncy tale from the top end about the bottom end

The Northern Territory News is an endless source of entertainment, and sometimes news.

It the vain of all good NewsLtd tabloids, this morning's front page has a bouncy tale, worthy of a Walkley, or rather a Hoppley...
  • The well-endowed macropod has been hanging around the Honeymoon Ranges in Tennant Creek recently, making every effort to woo a woman.

    "There was no doubt about what he wanted, the randy old thing.

    "I thought he was just a cute, friendly kangaroo."

    Tanya was oblivious to the amorous nature of the interlude, but the kangaroo's intentions were clearly evident...

You can read about the horny roo that appears to be stalking NT women.

1 comment:

Polish the Rocket said...

All he wanted was a ROOt......