Saturday, 22 May 2010

Crusty Demon near-death video at AJ Hackett bungy Cairns

I've had a heap of emails to locate and publish the video of Crusty Demon's latest antics at AJ Hackett bungy, north of Cairns at Smithfield.

Crusty Demon is known for his crazy antics and this week on his now infamous regional tour of Australia, founder Dana Nicholson had a rather unplanned and almost disastrous experience, that did the rounds on the local TV networks this week.

Dana had just completed a spectacular bungy jump strapped inside of a shopping trolley, pushed through the air by none other than original Crusty Seth Enslow. Things all seemed above board as the boys made a perfect landing assisted by AJ Hackett staff, that was until when heading back to the shore of the bungy lagoon lads jokingly pushed Dana back into the water.

What they hadn't taken into account was that Dana was still strapped into his bungy harness, which had been safely clamped to the shopping cart.

Dana and trolley slowly sank to the bottom of the lagoon and all hell broke loose. AJ Hackett staff and Crusty riders dived in to save him but were unsuccessful in hauling him off the bottom due to the combined weight of Dana and the shopping cart.

On the bottom of the bungy lagoon, quickly running out of air, he knew he had to take matters into his own hands and managed to free himself, Houdini-style, from the harness.

After 43 seconds pinned under water, he burst to the surface to much yelling and excitement from the Crusty boys, who had just about resigned themselves to the fact that they had in fact killed the boss.

"I was determined that of all the life-threatening stunts I've survived over the years, I wasn't going to die this time inside of a fucking shopping trolley," Dana said after he reached dry-land.


Frank said...

The stupid, reckless behaviour of many young men who seem to think that they and their mates are invincible never ceases to amaze me.

Bryan Law said...

Where did they steal that trolley from? Someone call the Police!

Lyclosti said...

Dana must hate shopping... lol.