Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Sign up for a free set of steak knives

The North Queensland Party needs you.

That's according to secretary, Matthew Filippi, who's fronting a drive to get 500 members signed up that is needed to officially register the new political party.

"Many are sick of the arrogance of local members who only care about toeing the party line," Matthew Filippi says.

There's many issues that are top of mind for Cairns voters, Filippi believes.

"People are fed up with gridlock on the highway every morning, they're unhappy about the state of our health system," says Matthew Filippi.

"People are tired of the North missing out on a fair share of funding. The North Queensland Party wants to campaign on these issues and fight to have them addressed." he says.

"To do this, our new party needs you, and we must have 500 members to become a registered political party and stand candidates," Filippi says. "Without registered members and input, we cannot move forward to achieve a real voice for North Queensland."

"I ask anyone to join and spread the word about the North Queensland Party," Matthew Filippi asks.

"The Party is not about a separate state, it is about fair go for the North," Filippi says.

Membership forms are on their website, or you can call 0411 446 286 or email Matthew.


colininkattervillie said...

Mathew the first thing before I would consider joining is knowing is Bob Katter still involved in the fnq party ?

Matthew Filippi said...

Hi Colin,
Bob Katter is not a member of the NQP and holds no position with the party at this time. He has voiced his support and recently attended a NQP dinner but has made no indication regarding membership thus far.

Matthew Filippi