Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Faking it to death

A 26 year old Sydney lad and his 56-year-old mother will probably get thrown in jail after trying to fake his death in an insurance claim.

He planned to "drown" in South America and his mother then claimed $239,000 in life insurance.

The Australian reports that in 2007 he was reported dead by Ecuadorian authorities. A death certificate was then issued despite no body being found, then his mother cashed in the life insurance policy.

However, thanks to their lovely caring family, they were dobbed in. It turns out, surprise, surprise, that the "drowned" man now had successfully gained an Ecuadorian passport in a new name.

Gave me an idea, why don't I give up this blogging thing and fake a certain Councillor's death?

The things we do.

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