Friday, 25 September 2009

Rudd on UN. NZ PM on Letterman

Kiwi Prime Minister John Key made it to David Letterman's show in the USA.

Besides reading the Top Ten list, they chatted about New Zealand (it's an island, off the East coast of Australia). Not a mention of fush n chups or sharing a cheep.

The ten are...
  • 10 The Auckland Airport now has a cinnabon
    9 We have the loosest slot machines in the Pacific Rim
    8 Only a convenient 20-hour flight away
    7 It’s like England without the attitude
    6 Down there Leno’s on at 9 o’clock
    5 Get the whanau together, stay in a bach, crack open the chilly bin and slap on your jandals
    4 Visit in the next 30 days, I’ll pick you up at the Airport
    3 70% of our energy is generated through renewable hydropower – look they don’t all have to be jokes
    2 We drive on the left side of the road, like the British and Lindsay Lohan
    1 Unlike most of the world, we still like Americans

Hat Tip: KiwiBlog

1 comment:

Nicky J said...

Wow this is priceless PR. Well done to NZ. They have awesome tourism websites too, even the tiniest villages have great websites. We have lots we could learn!