Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Happy Birthday Margaret

Today our Cairns Regional Council Deputy Mayor, Margaret Cochrane celebrates her birthday.
Margaret is a sports nut, but not a nut like a certain waterpark nut.
She has a keen interest in the local Soccer Association, and also the North Queensland Sports Foundation. She is also a supporter of the the pony club at Freshwater and the Animal Welfare Society. You'd think with all this animal experience, it would bode well for her Council duties.
Pictured on the left, but politically right, Margaret is signing the petition to save the ill-fated Cairns Yacht Club last year.
The entire staff and team at CairnsBlog, including the tea lady, the photographer, the webmaster and even the typesetter, send her the best for a happy birthday.
You can send Margaret a birthday wish.


Anonymous said...

Birthday message from Macca -

The birthday fairy has come to say, have a wonderful time on your special day! I can't imagine a world without you. May the joy you give to others come back to you today. May your birthday make you feel as beautiful and special as you are. I just want to tell you how treasured you are, and how much we love you, our own little star. I am so thankful for the gift of you. You captured my heart with your smile and continue to amaze me with each new day. It matters little who found who, but that we found each other. Or who first whispered "I love you", but that we love one another. You are the sun and I the moon. I am the sea to your shore. In your arms finally I've found the love I have been searching for. Our love isn't a fairy tale - its better. It's real. My heart beats BECAUSE of you. My life IS you. Happy birthday darling.

Tom said...

Chow Chow? Is that you Freebody?

Lillian at Yorkeys said...

Oh Chow Chow, a lovely piece of creative writing. You must have taken your vitamins today.

On the other hand, Margaret has not been taking her vitamins, as she's currently inflicted with a very nasty cold that has been lingering around for the last week or so. I ran in to her yesterday & she was cluggy & gluggy with the cold. I had one like that last month myself, so I feel for her.

Not a fun event on your birthday, & that's a shame, Margaret. But happy birthday any way. Hope the day was good - even if it meant a final surrender to the bed & doona with the cold. Actually, I would surrender totally, Margaret - a cold is nature's way of telling us we're tired & overloaded, & we need to sleep & rest. You are not going to work well or make sensible decisions all clugged up. Freebody can wait, the bloody water park can wait. Just hit that pillow & zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Calm, peaceful? You betcha.

From her birthday date, Margaret's a Libran, & therefore likes, no craves, balance. The more balance she has in her life & around her, the saner & calmer she will be.

She also likes beauty & pretty & elegant things. She also loves a lot - in fact Librans love Love - giving love, & especially, receiving it in turn. The downside of that is that Librans sometimes crave love, without knowing why, if they are not mindfull of themselves, & will go to extreme lengths to fulfill that need, whilst still being unaware of the reason/s why.

Are these or not a good traits for one who would (apparently) be looking to be Mayor next Council elections?
Mmmmm - something for us all to ponder the next two years.
Enough of the Mystic Medusa.

So, as it's Margaret's birthday, I, who usually refer to her as Margaret "Forked Tongue" Cochrane will refrain from doing so today.

Hope Sno & Blakey turn up with some nice chicken soup for you tonight, to go with the champagne, provided of course by Freebody.

Have a good year, Margaret. But remember - we're watching you.........

Veritas said...

Chow Chow, you bring tears to my eyes, a smile to my face, serenity to my soul. I am in awe of your diction, comforted by the warmth of your words. I just read your prose and my heart yearns for more.

I am sure Margaret feels the radiance of your thoughts.

A truce has been honoured, I wont upset your day with politics nor ask you to respond cause I know you dont read the Cairns Blog.

Happy birthday Margaret.

Lillian at Yorkeys said...

Veritas - I'm pretty sure MC does read the Blog. She may act all 'Oh, silly me' [usually when she has neglected yet another community request] but she's very much the pollie - likes to keep her ear to the ground.