Friday, 18 September 2009

Hunt for new Council CEO starts today

On June 10th Noel Briggs resigned in a shock announcement as the Chief Executive Office of Cairns Regional Council, amidst a crisis that encircled his leadership.

In April it was leaked to CairnsBlog that some Councillors and senior staff were involved in undermining the Mayor about a secret financial deal with Radio 846am. The ensuing investigation that cost $17,000 embroiled Noel Briggs, and was the cause of his ultimate disgraceful premature downfall.

Now, more than three months later, the formal interviews for a replacement CEO will start this morning.

Both the Mayor Val Schier and her deputy Margaret Cochrane, are on the interview panel to vet and select the new CEO.

It's believed that acting CEO Peter Tabulo, who has temporally left his role as General Manager city development, has put his application in for the region's top civic job.

However, some "fantastic, absolutely amazing" candidates from around the country. have applied for the top Council role.

A Council insider said it's a big money job.

"There's a potential now for Cairns to have a great manager. It's also a job for somebody who cares about the sort of environment that we've got here and is prepared to love it," the source said.

"We need a person that can put a lot of effort and energy into being a good manager, as well as a good people manager, along with a good vision for the future," the source told CairnsBlog.

On top of a $250,000+ negotiable salary, a vehicle comes with the package.


Smithfield Sam said...

Hopefully, when Tabulo doesn't make the cut for this job he'll be booted and not given his old job back.

He's done far too much damage to this city during his term as "KB's Lapdog".

Dotted Quad said...

Breaking News…
Cairns Regional Council to get first female CEO!
Cairnsblog beats the Compost once again.

Lillian at Yorkeys said...

Why on earth is someone worth $250,000 a year? Average workers wage is around $42,000 pa ($800 pa).

And what has happened to the Henry Report about our former CEO, & all the HullCrap?

And I completely agree with Smithfield Sam - Peter Tabulo has headed the Planning & Environment Dept at Council for a long time. His Evil Planning Dept. has overseen the approval of many many many horrible & inappropriate developments in Cairns these past years. OK, there was, & is, a Council who are still approving horrible developments, but it would seem prudent for the Evil Planning Dept to STOP being Evil, & to take in to account the environmental & social impact of developments. Town planners seem to have abandoned any concepts of actually PLANNING a space/subsurb/town/city, & simply wrestle with Local Govt & Qld State Govt regulations.

Bex time.

KitchenSlut said...

Perhaps Lillian it's because you have never been in a position where despite statutory responsibility you can be paid less than someone with zip responsibility!

Yes this happens! What more it continues to happenin areas like Qld Health where a close friend who has headed a clinical division at Cairns Base for more than a year still laments whether its worth it vis a vis just turning up to do a line job!

That salary is Fair relative to the avereage quoted given the difference in responsibility contingent on performance criteria.

Alison Alloway said...

Being paid much less than someone with less responsibility, is quite common in the Public Service, KitchenSlut.