Henry from Fosnez Blog told me that the infamous Craigslist is now active in Cairns.
Craigslist is now running is 570 cities, in 50 countries. Besides job adverts, the sole source of revenue, it's a totally free service. Once established in and around Cairns, it will cut the classifieds out from under the Cairns Post, and other NewsLtd papers.
In June, "Weird Al" Yankovic released a song called "Craigslist", a parody of the website.
Craigslist won't "cut the classified from under the Cairns Post.
It hasn't done this to any newspaper anywhere in the world. Why would Cairns be somehow different?
thats fantastic!
Well, we can live in hope it cuts the classifieds from under The Cairns Post. Anything which assists that dirty little rag to disappear demands our support.
The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful. So how come when you arrive at the most popular dating site in the US you find a stream of anonymous come-ons intermixed with insults, ads for prostitutes, naked pictures, and obvious scams? In a design straight from the earliest days of the Web, miscellaneous posts compete for attention on page after page of blue links, undifferentiated by tags or ratings or even usernames. Millions of people apparently believe that love awaits here, but it is well hidden. Is this really the best we can do?
Source: Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
Just what the place needs eh! More whoredom, scandal and rips-offs. Cairns is far better off without it.
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