Wednesday, 23 September 2009

CairnsBlog V2.0

CairnsBlog is just over two years old now, having survived a cesarean birth in July 2007, weighing in at just a meager 3 lbs 6 oz, and a bunch of friends who wanted desperately to kick some fat arses in City Hall.

We've seen a GFC, two cyclones, a rather bad flood with very few pages going under water, several sackings at Council, and even a death at False Cape, I felt it was time to take the Blog to the next level. As the regular local FNQ audience tops 6,000, with between 30-45,000 visits a month, it's time to take stock and redevelop the interface.

I'm delighted to partner with Nicky and Kaj who are the brains and brawn (you decide which is which), behind the entrepreneurial City of Cairns, a leading innovative web engineering company. They are also about to relaunch and rebrand their organisation, so stay turned.

This will allow me to better support advertisers with dynamic larger advertisements and create a series of new interactive features is more intergrated struture. To this end, I'm in the process of analysing the demographics of my readership. One way you can help give me feedback, is to participate in this week's QuickPoll, on the right-hand side.

I forgot to ask on the Poll, the type of job you do, so welcome emails about that: trade, Council, white/blue collar, etc.

A large part of the Blog's success, is the commentary system that anyone, even Councillor Blake, is welcome to engage in.

Additionally, I welcome any feedback (and donations) you'd like to share, things you'd either like to see in CairnsBlog or other features / services. I'm happy to hear any wacky idea, so long as it's nothing to do with a waterpark. Or a ukulele festival. Or a uke festival in a volcano.

I'm hoping to launch the new CairnsBlog 2.0 in the next month or so, weather and lawsuits dependant.

NB: I sincerely apologise in advance to all ukulele lovers. No offence was meant, nor inferred.

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