Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Nexcite, now in Cairns

Now, this may sound like a shameless advert, and maybe it is. However, this obvious product placement is something kind of different.

Nexcite refreshing herbal energy drink, with no Taurine found in almost every other sugar-based energy drink.

A few years ago a Swedish-made drink called Niagara was launched and instantly became a huge hit with its reputation for boosting the libido. It's a unique blend of herbs that creates a mood-enhancing, uplifting drink.

Seven million bottles were sold to buy the blue drink from Sweden, called Niagara. The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer didn’t like the name because it sounded like Viagra. So they change the name to Nexcite.

So far the drink is only sold in NSW and Victoria. Erynne Mckewen is the North Queensland distributor for this crazy new blue drink, that was launched in Cairns last week.

It's already for sale at the Cairns North IGA and Sapphire Bar in Lake Street.

If you'd like to try a sample, stock and sell this in your store or venue, email Erynne or telephone 0418 202 163.

They also have a Facebook page, well, who doesn't?

On the bottle is a little red bunny, with a love heart. No prizes for guessing why.

Nexcite contains:
  • Damiana - A herb derived from the leaves of a Latin American bush. It is said to have stimulating properties on blood circulation thought to give it mood enhancing, anti-depressive and libido enhancing qualities.
  • Ginseng - Said to be an aphrodisiac. Has been known for its many positive effects that improve physical and psychological performance.
  • Guarana - A South American seed extract which contains caffeine.
  • Maté - An increasingly popular herb with medicinal like qualities which aid in relaxation, stress relief and mood improvement as well as powers of concentration.
  • Schizandra - An herbal remedy made from a small red fruit growing in China. Known widely in the Far East for its ability to energize and vitalize the body.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can someone drop a case off at my office? I need a jump start this morning.