Monday, 15 September 2008

Stop laughing, you are about to be massacred

Former Douglas Shire Councillor and radio personality extraordinaire (he paid me to say that) Rod Davis says its all down to pub politics.

You can’t get much stronger editorial line than Stop laughing, you are about to be massacred, plastered across the front page of the left-wing Sydney Morning Herald today. This followed Western Australia’s ALP went down, and NSW wiped its entire leadership team, and the ALP local councillors got shafted on Saturday in NSW.

Last week, many NSW ALP councillors were telephoning their printers, seeing if they had size 8 font for the ALP logo.

As centrist and humanist voter, the SMH message is strong, but in my passing NostraDavis role, the reason for the demise is getting greasily obvious.

When the WA ALP is trying to do deal with Nats, and when the most State ALP’s have relied on white shoe funding to fuel their campaigns, there comes a time when the pigs take over the Animal Farm. And the pigs have indeed done their pigsty gig. The Sydney Morning Herald obviously agree that the ALP State animal farm is a mess.

In Queensland, with a seemingly lovely woman at the helm, she’s arguably doomed because her power deal is based on subservience to the farm pigs.

But the actions of hogsters Costa and Boy Fraser, in NSW and Queensland, and many others, will bring havoc on their parties, along with all those others serving purely materialistic and self serving agendas.

In Douglas, we are a wake up to this shit, and have spat back the poisoned dummy.

Parliamentarians without the guts to question the actions of the big, dark greasy influences are lemmings being led to the political gas chambers... as gutless fools. Greens won huge numbers at local elections here in NSW.

They say the ALP should stop laughing....they are about to be massacred.

My blokey, pub style version of politics arguably beats any political science’s really so simple: we Aussies will tolerate left in Canberra if its right in the States, and visa versa, and hence Howards’s designer game that kept it that way for his 11 year reign.

He knew pub politics.

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