Sunday 21 September 2008

Cheat Easy: Who said ethics aren't fun?

Syd Walker asks you to wake up and smell the fuel, and sort out your carbon emissions. Golly good idea I say.

If I lived in Cairns, I’d get along to the next meeting of Cairns Action for Sustainable Transport.

They meet 2nd Tuesday of the month at Tramways, Cape York Hotel, Spence Street. Meetings run from 7pm to 9pm.

CAST is showing some interesting movies.

Unfortunately, in the absence of an efficient modern rail system between Kuranda and Cairns, I’d rather not spend up on fuel to get there and impose an unnecessary extra burden on the planet.

Luckily the short movie is on YouTube. It's from the founders of Cheat Neutral as they take their message to the BBC, Parliament and the high street to convince us to take them seriously.

Here’s another beauty Ethical Man & Carbon Offsetting, and this one Plane Stupid meets Ethical Man.

After nine months, it seems to me that the Rudd Government’s climate change policy centres around a scheme that’s essentially a bonanza for accountants, consultants - and a recipe for more long years of business as usual.

This Government came to power with a clear mandate for action on climate change. But where’s the serious debate about when and how Australians make rather obvious changes to our way of life, industry and transportation systems? Where are the plans? Why aren’t we spending Federal surpluses now to become good global citizens and safeguard our well being in a low-emissions future?

There are many changes it’s to our obvious advantage to make - with the least possible delay. I believe a decent rail system in FNQ is one of them.

Good luck to Cairns Action for Sustainable Transport! I’m with you in spirit! But I'll keep myself busy.

I'm setting up my own local carbon emissions trading enterprise. It's called Cheat Easy'.

All plane-hopping gas-guzzling guilt-ridden residents of FNQ are welcome to send me cash to offset their emissions - and I offer special deals for international visitors.

Send Cheat Easy $50 - and I won’t cut down a tree for three months. $300 and I’ll junk my cludgy old monitor and buy myself a nice big flatscreen! For the really guilty, I do recommend the annual $50,000 mega-credit. It funds my switch to a new hybrid car.

All Cheat Easy customers receive emissions-free electronic certificates for carbon credits purchased.

It's a win-win-win deal! Who knows, you might even find another punter to buy them off you at an inflated price!

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