Thursday, 16 October 2008

Bloggy Janine

Look what I started!

Janine Aitken, who ran for the Northern Beaches division in the March Council elections, has launched a Blog.

Janine was unsuccessful in her bid for Division 9 in the Cairns Regional Council, however she says after watching "broken promises and unacceptable rate rises decided it is again time to stick up for Cairns and question those in authority."

In her first post, she discusses the antics of Councillor Di Forsyth. "It has prompted me into speaking out about what is going on in Cairns," Aitken says. "Cr Forsyth is not the only member of Council who ran on a platform of heritage preservation, yet she is the only one who stood up (or climb up as the case was) to be counted on the issue."

Aitken asks where is the rest of the Council is on the important issues and that only three Councillors have really stood up to be counted in the first six months of this new Council.

"We have heard from Councillor Julia Leu who stood up for her division over amalgamation. We heard from Councillor Rob Pyne on his opporsition to the Council rate rises. We know we have three Councillors that are willing to stand up and be counted," says Janine.

"Where does that leave Councillors Gregory, Lanskey, Lesina, Blake, Cooper, Cochrane, Bonneau."

In a final swipe at her former running mate - or leaflet deliverer - she questions Val Schier. "Let's not forget our leader Mayor Schier. I would love to hear your stances on any of the issues you campaigned on."

It's genuinely great to have another blogger, join the stable of indeppendant writing here in the far north.

Who would have thought a few years ago, we'd all have a mobile phone, an email address, a profile online somewhere. Now everyone seems to have a blog. Who needs the ol noospaper anymore!

You can find all local blogs and websites on my 'links' list in the right-hand sidebar of CairnsBlog.


Anonymous said...

What a day I've had, wandering down to look at the protest at the demolition of history, and see Bryan Law with his police protection alongside. I had left before Wendy Richardson was arrested. Then off to sit in on the Council Planning and Environment Meeting - my first one since the new Council was elected. I am delighted that we have Julia Leu as our Councillor now. She at least is standing up and speaking on our behalf. Having left the Chamber, wondering why the Councillors had been asked to remain behind after everyone else had left, after all no "closed" session advertised, or special meeting, it became obvious when Councillor Di Forsythe joined the media outside. Personally, I would have thought Councillor Forsythe should have been allowed to sit in on her "trial by her peers".

Anonymous said...

Woops wrong Wendy - I apologise to both Wendy's.