Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Rent a crowd

Times to remember today.

8:30am and 12:45 outside the Cairns Convention Centre.

Be there or be square.


Anonymous said...

The Courier Mail is covering it.


Anonymous said...

Re Cairns Doc above - shame the ComPost won't be covering it - except in a sycophantic way.

So many protests - so few days... forced amalgamations & no evaluation process (Beattie's swan song), Yacht Club demolition (of course), False Cape, 2025 Plan &, fluoridation, farmers & fertiliser run-off, law & order, well, the list is endless.

And quite frankly - I've quite gone off Party politics - of any variety. The complete disregard of 11,000 Queensland voters re the Cairns Yacht Club finished me off with Labor.

The 'LNP Revivial Team' - well, I've never heard Springboard spin more than eight words together that make any sense. And of those of you that weren't in FNQ before Labor was voted in - well, the LNP government was downright scary.

Sane independents from now on, I reckon that's the way.

Anonymous said...

Well, Lillian, nevermind, your preferences will still go to a party, and if by chance an independent is elected, well then we can sit here and get absolutely nothing done..

The Westminster system doesn't work for independents.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the next election being a landslide in either direction so in fact electing independents or minor parties such as the Greens could be quite useful in determining state power. As for major parties getting preferences, your preferences go wherever and as far as you want them to go as you don't have to number each box in state elections.

Anonymous said...

Labor has held power for 17 of the last 19 years in Queensland, not to mention representing Cairns for 104 unbroken years. While it is true that Independents can hold sway in the rare case of non-majority Government, I believe Queensland will be best served by supporting a majority government and providing them a mandate to represent the entire electorate (as opposed to a particular interest group). The Police say we need more Police. The Doctors say the Cairns Base is neglected. Our public schools have the lowest levels of numeracy and literacy in all of Australia. The next Queensland Government needs a strong mandate to address these issues.