Friday, 10 October 2008

Pop quiz No. 464

Who said the following?
  • "Many will be surprised and delighted by the rich natural heritage that is right before our eyes in the World Heritage listed rainforests here in our own backyards. "

Come on, you'll never guess it. There's a chocolate fish in it for the first correct answer.

Ok, I'll give you a clue. She's be around for longer than a smelly mother in-law. She talks in sentences that mean nothing to the common person. She loves the new "$6 million Yacht Club". Damm, that gave it away!

I just knew all you folk would like to know about the Desley Boyle date on this evening. It seems Desley knows all about Moths. You know, those pesky things that hang around bright things to make themselves look good? A perfect match, if you ask me.

But what got me was the quote, when she said that 'many people will be surprised and delighted by the rich natural heritage that is right before our eyes'. Hey Desley, most Cairns backyards look out on concrete, courtesy of your Labor Government!

One CairnsBlog lurker told me that it's only a matter of time before she turns our neighbouring rainforests into her version of what things should look like, concrete!

So this evening, Tourism Minister, Saviour of the Cairns Waterfront, Defender of Democracy and Demolition, the Sometimes Right Honorable Desley Boyle MP, will launch a new book called Mothology: Discover the Magic – Moths and Moth Art from the World Heritage listed Wet Tropics of Queensland Australia.

Desley has been told to avoid using the term "heritage listed" by her advisers in light of her total disregard for built heritage over the last 4 years.

The book was put together by Kuranda's Buck Richardson, where some of the largest moths in the world have been found over the last century.

If you miss the free nibbles and cheap bubbly at the Shangri-La Hotel tonight at 5pm, it will all happen again at the Kuranda Amphitheatre 4pm on Sunday.

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