Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Protesters on Yacht Club roof

Following yesterday's Police altercation stopping citizens breaching the fence of the historic Yacht Club, around 6:30am this morning protesters breached the security fence surrounding the Yacht Club.

Terry Spackman has now unveiled the Australian flag and a Eureka flag on the roof of the Yacht Club. Terry is now staying on the roof this morning to stop demolition work from proceeding.

He is conducting a sit in protest of the Heritage destruction of a community significant building. He is representing the 11,000 people that signed the petition to retain the building where it is for all the Cairns community.

He aims to stop demolition work for as long as possible.

"The Bligh Labor Government have forgotten the people," Terry said from the roof this morning. "They are only representing property interests."

"The boundary of the land here is also in dispute according to the government," Terry Spackman says. "They claim that they don't know the true boundary of the Yacht Club, so therefore how could this land be redeveloped or sold?"

"This is reason to stop this work and tell the people the truth," says Terry Spackman.


Anonymous said...

Here we have the actions of a real hero, Terry Spackman. He's taken an act of civil disobedience that clearly has attracted the attention of the nation media. Goodonya, Terry!

Compare this with yesterday's actions of a pathetic, friendless, media whore Bryan Law who spent all his time ensuring BRYAN LAW is the issue, not the saving of the Yacht Club. Such is the difference between a hero like Spackman, and a loser like Bryan Law.

Fortunately, the community can see the difference and holds Law only in contempt.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ Jim, in fact I strongly object! In my dealings with Bryan over the past three months I have changed my opinion of him 100%. Bryan is VERY passionate about saving the Yacht Club. He is pro democracy and pro having the people's wishes listend to at least by Government, not having us fobbed off the way have been.

He is an extrmely articulate man, with a vast knowledge of the Law, he is peace obiding and very much pro non violent action. He has a great regard and respect for the police, and the law, and in my conversations with the two head honcho's of the Police force, (names elude me at the present moment, but the fellow with the nice hat that was on Channel 7 news this evening Mike someone, and the other bloke with the beard) that were there on Tuesday, they too have a great deal of respect for him, accoding to my conversation with them on Tuesday.

Jim, why don't you spend some time with Bryan. He is a very likeable chap. Haven't seen you at any of the PADYC meetings, I think Bryan has been to all of them.

"Pathetic, friendless, media whore" - bit harsh is'nt it? He has worked tirelessly in helping the people on PADYC, along with using a lot of his own resources, printer, paper, he fed Terry Spackman's parking meter all day today out of his own pocket! Yes indeed Terry and Bryan are brothers in arms, and Bryan will be there supporting him tomorrow in court. Where will you be Mr Jim McMartin?

I for one do not hold Bryan in contempt. I for one thank God for him and his help throughout this whole campaign.

God Bless. Kerry Riella.

Anonymous said...

Why thanks for that Kerry. Jim is right in one respect. Terry Spackman is a hero.

I've known Terry since 1994 when he lent support to the campaign against Skyrail. Since then I've seen him address inappropriate developments around Cairns, including False Cape.

I've seen him develop serious expertise around sediment and erosion control, and hold both builders and Council officers responsible for doing their jobs properly instead of dishing out any old crap to Cairns citizens.

Terry is 70 years old, a pensioner and grandfather who finds the time and inclination to serve his community.

Plus he's fearless. He cannot be bought off or threatened off once he's decided an issue deserves attention, and I've seen him endure considerable discomfort and cost while pursuing his goals.

Instead of using your praise of Terry to attack me, why don't you take a leaf out of Terry's book and stand up to be counted on some ofthe significant issues?


Anonymous said...

Who is Jim McMartin and why the vitriolic attack on Bryan Law ? What have you done to save the Yacht Club , Jim ? I was there on Wednesday supporting Terry, talking to the media and informing passers-by about the issue. Were you there ? And where are all the yachties who haven't lifted a finger to save the club. They couldn't even be bothered to turn up at the rally last Saturday. They just seem to be worried about finding another place where they can have cheap beer. If more of them got their finger out we would not need the likes of Bryan Law. Why don't you put money where your mouth is Jim. I am looking forward to seeing you stick your neck out to save the Club. I hope it is something spectacular. Why don't we all just stick together. We are fighting for a common cause after all. We need all the help we can get. Vent your anger on the gutless politicians who are behind this fiasco instead of attacking people who are actually doing something instead of just talking.

Anonymous said...

Who is Jim McMartin and why the vitriolic attack on Bryan Law ? What have you done to save the Yacht Club , Jim ? I was there on Wednesday supporting Terry, talking to the media and informing passers-by about the issue. Were you there ? And where are all the yachties who haven't lifted a finger to save the club. They couldn't even be bothered to turn up at the rally last Saturday. They just seem to be worried about finding another place where they can have cheap beer. If more of them got their finger out we would not need the likes of Bryan Law. Why don't you put money where your mouth is Jim. I am looking forward to seeing you stick your neck out to save the Club. I hope it is something spectacular. Why don't we all just stick together. We are fighting for a common cause after all. We need all the help we can get. Vent your anger on the gutless politicians who are behind this fiasco instead of attacking people who are actually doing something instead of just talking.

Anonymous said...

Nick. Here! Here!