Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Stop the killing

Paul Taylor of Edmonton writes...

In recent weeks we have seen a number of our native animals being killed by local residents.

Two weeks ago there was a python killed up in Port Douglas in someone's home. This week there was the croc killed by 2 kids and an adult in Westcourt, and in today’s Cairns Post, I see another python killed, and hung on a street sign Manoora.

last year I recall a croc being killed on Reed Road, Trinity Beach and had it teeth pulled out as trophies.

When are people going to learn that it isn’t the animals fault? These animals are being driven out of their homes by developers so they can capitalize on the small amount of available land for housing. I am all for development, as that is the only way a city or town can grow and prosper, but at the same time, we have to consider what damage we are doing to the surrounding environment.

In the case of the crocodile, I am not for culling these creatures as a lot of people believe is the ideal way of dealing with them. If the animal is causing a problem, and cannot be caught, yes, unfortunately, that is the only way of dealing with it.

If it can be caught, then it should be taken to a remote area and released, or sent to a croc farm. If they are only small animals, and not causing problems, let them be.

Council and QPWS should erect signage along all creeks, drains etc notifying people of the possible presence of crocodiles and warning them to stay away. Parents should then take responsibility for their children and pets, and keep them away.

In the case of the snakes, they are suffering the same problem as the crocodiles and other animals. Developers are coming in and bulldozing bushland, and giving the snakes no where else to go. There is plenty of snake handlers around who will come out to a property to catch reptiles that are causing a nuisance. So therefore, there is no real reason for people to be killing snakes.

The other thing that people can do to protect their pets and themselves, is make the yard and house snake proof. With the house, something as simple as screens on the widows is all that is required. There are ways to making the yard snake proof, and if you contact QPWS or any snake handler, they will be able to help you do this.

Cairns residents, developers and the Council have to start thinking about the wildlife of the region before there is none left. Take a drive up the Captain Cook Highway any day and you will see hundreds of Pretty Face Wallabys that are stranded on the eastern side of the highway at Trinity Beach. These animals have been loosing their habitat for years. What ground they have left is disappearing rapidly, and unfortunately, so are they.

Every day you will see dead wallabys on the side of the road after being hit by cars and trucks traveling up the highway. Council needs to address this. Weather it is the current Byrne Council, or a new Council.

At the rate we are loosing bushland, rainforest, and animals around this region it wont be long before we loose the lot.

People of Cairns, have a look around you, and take note of where the money comes from. It comes from the tourists that come and visit our fair city every year. What are these tourists coming here to visit? They are visiting the bush, rainforest, Barrier Reef and the animals.

Take all those things away from Cairns, and we will become the biggest ghost town in the country. We are not like a lot of other regional centers on the east coast of Australia. We are a tourist city. Townsville has its industrial precinct, and the defence force. Mackay has its sugar and mining industries. We have tourism. The sugar is almost all gone. Tobacco has almost gone. Dairy has almost gone.

Don’t just think of the next 5 to 10 years. Think of the next 5 to 10 generations.


Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder why the rangers didn't act sooner to remove the animal, they should also accept blame.

That drain is very close to housing. Place yourself in a residence on the edge of that drain with your children and pets, then tell me how you'd feel if the rangers didn't take any action to relocate the threat?

Anonymous said...

So an alleged certain mayor got his way judging by the top comment of your Blog. Did he allegedly use rate payers money to do it?
Oh the alleged power of the alleged mighty in this alleged town hey?

Anonymous said...

The mayor always gets his own way. I learnt this firsthand last week and know for certain what a p*g he is.
We need to get him out of office before our town is ruined and many many more fine citizens are threatened by this big fat bully boy!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous(the fist commenter) ... I understand what you are saying ... I am a pet owner. 12 months ago, I lost my much loved syberian husky to a king brown snake. which is not native to the edmonton reagion. It also bit me, and I spent 3 weeks in bed recovering. But, I do not blame the snake. Here is a few questions you should ask the council and the developers.
1) Why was there a drain, attached to the tidal river system put so close to the houses in the first place, or
2) Why where the houses put so close to a drain or a creek attached to the tidal system?
3) Why are the drains designed so that crocodiles can access that far into the city?
4) why arent there signs up on these creeks warning people of the threat of crocodiles in the area?
5) Why does developers build drains that are good homes for crocodiles?
6) Why does council allow the drains get to a point where they are good habitat for crocodiles.
7) Where does the responsability for the kids start to fall back onto the shoulders of the parents, instead of everyone else?
At the end of the day, the parents are responsible for the kids. Not the council. Not QPWS. Not society. The parents are. When I was a kid, if my parents told me I was not allowed to go swimming in the creek, I didnt. If I did, I certainly wouldnt be game to do it again.
I agree. Crocodiles should not be able to access waterways so far into the city. But, they do. They have no where else to go. So, people have to start taking responsibility for their own actions. We all know the crocs are there, so stay away and leave them be. If you see one, contact QPWS. If they dont come out, ring them again. Then if they dont come out, ring them again. They will eventually get sick of hearing from you and send someone out.

Anonymous said...

I hope not to get a chance to ask the current council anything in the near future; I hope they're gone.

I'm going to agree to disagree - all of factors that should have prevented crocs being so close to houses were set in stone many years ago; (and probably can't be fixed as quickly as a ranger relocating a croc) it should only take hours for a ranger to begin proceedings to remove a croc once notified - this croc was on the news days prior catching fishing lines.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you in some of the older suburbs. There are ways to stop the crocs from getting into the older suburbs. The council and QPWS have known of crocs getting into the older suburbs for a long time. But there is still new suburbs that have croc problems. There is a new suburb/developement in Trinity Beach which screams "croc haven". there is plenty of man made calm tidal water, full of bait fish. But, even after all moves are made by coucils, developers and QPWS to keep crocs away from suburbia, question 7 still is the most important question. altho, I should have added a question 8. When do people start taking responsability for their own actions?? .. I love animals, and especially reptiles. 12 months ago I was bitten by a king brown snake. through my own actions, I was bitten by the snake. I was trying to save my dogs life. Unfortunately, I lost my dog, and I almost lost my own life. But, I do not blame the snake. I dont blame the council. I dont blame QPWS. I made a decision to handle this snake to try to rescue my dog. Valiant?? .. I dont think so. Smart??? . definatley not. Love my pet?? .. yes.
what I am trying to say is that people know there are crocs in the creeks, rivers and drains in and around Cairns, and I would say most north queensland coastal towns. Now knowing this, because I dont wish to be eaten by a croc, I stay away from the drains, rivers, and creeks around cairns. Now I am not a smart person, (hence being bitten by a snake that almost killed me), but, I do realise that if I hang around a water way that has crocs in it, chances are, eventually one is going to take a snap. I agree that council and QPWS should act a lot quicker than they do. But, until they do act, the logical thing for people to do is to stay away from a water way that is known to have a croc in it, and also ensure you children know the dangers involved and keep them away. Those the live around these waterways, if you own a pet .. ensure they are kept away from it as well. Maybe I am thinking to symplistically, or maybe not as dumb as I thought, but to me, that is the easiest way for the general public to deal with crocs until the correct authorities can deal with it.

P.S. the comment about hoping not to ask this current council anything in the near future, I agree whole heartedly with you. Pitty the elections are still so far away.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has EVER taken a regular drive down dillon st, and I used to be one of them, would know, that this street is ALWAYS full of 'wild animals'. This would have to be one of the worst streets in cairns with kids wandering the street at all hours and mess and rubbish everywhere. I think the cairns post did set this up with the graphic cover pic the day before, .. but to have loser kids go and deliberately bait and kill the croc is stupid!!!
So, the message is, ... if you don't like something, then just beat it to death, and get rid of it. Great thing for these kids of this street to see and learn, and now be praised for.
Wonder what will happen in years to come when this message is transfered over to a drunken night in a bar, and an argument. Great! I cannot understand what idiots we have around here today!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a strange world it is.. we have to remove crocs for their own safety because people are too dangerous.