A few months ago, I emailed a new developer, and asked where their development was located.
You see, their website was deliberately vague. I smelt a rat, or at least an average-sized bandicoot. I thought they didn't want to tell the world that their fancy million-dollar concrete box was at Yorkeys KNOB. Poor old Yorkey would turn in his grave.

It's not the first time that a developer has been a bit edgy about using the Knob name. I mean, what they scared of? Knob. It's not that difficult to get the tongue round (no obvious jokes please). Knob, Knob, Knob, Knob. There ya go, that didn't hurt a bit. Personally, I think the name is a marketer's dream. I can think of a myriad of advertising ideas, most of which are legal.
Sea Temple were so scared of knob references, that they printed up 20,000 leaflets, numerous posters and signage, and circulated them around the country and invented a new suburb called "Yorkeys Beach". Guess some marketing grad in Sydney thought it would be safer to not sell knobs to knobs.

The residents banded together and took these knobs to task for taking the knob out of Yorkeys.
They subsequently were instructed not to tamper with the suburb's name and were warned by the Government that they were in breach of the Place Names Act if they used a false place name.
The Northern News captured the story in a clever cartoon (above) about the name debate. The Cairns Post also pursued the issue. "HANDS OFF OUR KNOB!" said the Post, in their award-winning headline for October 2004.
The locals reminded everyone about their proud, if not odd, history of the suburb's name. For the record, Yorkeys Knob was named after a local fisherman called 'Yorkey' who lived on the rocky hill ('knob') adjacent to Half Moon Beach in the 1880's. The story of how Yorkeys Knob came to be is one that stirs imagination. "The Knob, A History of Yorkeys Knob" by Mary Williams, published in 1986, tells the full story.
Sea Temple's misuse of the community name, upset a lot of long-time Knobians. The then president of the Residents' Association, Glenda Rowan sought support from the DNR contesting their forced use of a name that was not gazetted. The development was advertised as Sea Temple Cairns, avoided Yorkeys and the knob like the plague.
So onto the latest Knob abuser. Enter the Sutherland Group.
Julian Sutherland fronts two developments in Yorkeys Knob presently. One is York43 on Sims Esplanade. The website deliberately avoids use of any reference to it's actual suburb location.
The Residents' Association recently wrote and invited Julian Sutherland to come along to their meeting, and, give him his due, he did turn up. The president offered a cuppa afterwards and encouraged him to join the Association with a $5 annual membership fee. But he was in a rush and needed to get home. To be fair, it was getting late and he's still yet to sell some apartments off the plan.
So here's my wonderful email dialogue with Julian. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
- From: Michael Moore
Sent: Saturday, 21 July 2007 2:18 PM
To: info@york43.com
Subject: York43`
I've looked on your website and it gives no details of where this development is? Why is that?
Very odd for prospective buyers.
From: Julian Sutherland [mailto:info@york43.com]
Sent: Saturday, 21 July 2007 3:46 PM
To: 'Michael Moore
'Subject: RE: York43
Hi Mike,
If you click on the position page it has an aerial which shows the location. If you hold the cursor on each part of the position page it provides a more detailed description with regard to the location.
Hope this answers your query.
Kind regards
Julian Sutherland
From: Michael Moore
Sent: Saturday, 21 July 2007 7:33 PM
To: 'Julian Sutherland'
Subject: RE: York43
No, I did that.. and it doesn't show where the address of the property is at all!
Can you please supply me the correct address, because there is no Sims Esplanade in Cairns at all.
If it is this difficult to locate your property site, I don't think this information on the website has been well thought through at all.
From: Julian Sutherland [mailto:info@york43.com]
Sent: Saturday, 21 July 2007 10:19 PM
To: 'Michael Moore'
Subject: RE: York43`
Hi Mike,
Type in Sims Esplanade, Cairns in Google.
The first 5 results speak for themselves.
Are you having me on?
Good bye
From: Michael Moore
Sent: Sunday, 22 July 2007 10:29 AM
To: 'Julian Sutherland'
Subject: RE: York43`
No Mr Sutherland. I'm not having you on. Where do you live? If you know Cairns, you'll know there's no Sims Esplanade in Cairns at all.
Why should one have to attempt to search for the address on the internet!?
Surely it should simply be printed on your website so investors/buyers can locate the actual address of the property. This is the weirdest real estate site and discussion I've ever had! I'm a property owner and also an investor, and all I want to discover is where this new complex is situated.
Again I state, it is not located anywhere in the Cairns city.
Michael Moore
From: Julian Sutherland [mailto:info@york43.com]
Sent: Sunday, 22 July 2007 12:18 PM
To: 'Michael Moore'
Subject: RE: York43`
Mr Moore,
I have already sent you the address. Again it is:
43 to 45 Sims Esplanade
Yorkeys Knob
Queensland 4878.
I live there also. For your information this website was developed by a company in Sydney in association with a local company called Hot Croc. They designed the copy so I will pass on your comments.
From: Michael Moore
Sent: Sunday, 22 July 2007 8:16 PM
To: info@york43.com
Subject: RE: York43`
Thank you for finally providing the address of the property.
Now I see why you, and your website, would not give me the correct address. You're embarrassed to use the name of the suburb. How crazy can you get?
From: Julian Sutherland [mailto:info@york43.com]
Sent: Sunday, 22 July 2007 9:37 PM
To: 'Michael Moore'
Subject: RE: York43
Actually I live in Yorkeys Knob and I am proud of the suburb.
Please don’t send me any more emails.
1 comment:
Could almost be an episode from Faulty Towers...or maybe Mrs Bucket!!!
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