Looks like Selwyn Johnston, running as an independent for Leichhardt this election, has his band of supporters following CairnsBlog.
With 3 days to go in the poll, he has as many votes at front runner Jim Turnour.
I doubt this will be reflected at the polling booth in 32 days time, however admire his dedication to getting support in an online poll!
My prediction is swaying towards Turnour, however Charlie and Basil the Bus with the Mobile Phone, will give him a good run and the race to the finish line will be a game of two halves.
I am interest to know if you are a naturalised Australian citizen. I would also like to know why you have not mentioned that you worked for Telstra in your profile as you have previously claimed in the past. I would also be interested to read a transcript of your debate with Robert Muldoon.
crossland's preferences will see mckillop win Leichhardt.
As is so often the case, two courageous anonymous posters (one with a rear-end sense of humour) drop pearls of wisdom from a safe height.
This poll is small, but at the very least one may say it's interesting. Duopolies can be broken (just look next door at the electorate of Kennedy).
Strange, IMO, is the poor showing from the Libs and Nats. From the tone of many anon commentators, I wouldn't have thought right-wing views were so under-represented in visitors to this blog.
Perhaps Selwyn Johnston has stolen their lunch?
What opinion polls have the Cairns Post run?
Could someone who reads the CP tell the rest of us?
jesus sid, thought you were cool, why do have you have to hold your dick out for everyone to see just because you put your name up on a blog in Cairns. i'm not any wing, left or right, that is old fashioned 20thC thinking. To go on, still, after all this time this blog has been going, about the meaningless morals of anon posts is sooooooooo boring. Besides this Sid I could not get much sense out of your post, maybe try again. Have u ever thought people might enjoy putting up funny names, like Sid Walker for example?
Anyway love your work Sid, especially your early stuff.
Jeez Sid, old mate 'bumsniffer' could be right there .. or left.
What is it boys about your rear ends ???
When it comes to rear ends i'm your man large breasts!
shhhhh be quiet .... don't wake Jim up or he might do something stupid again ..... like, he might say something?
All Turnour does is whinge and whine..
follows in the true vein of Labor members.
You would know paul !! You made it into an art form !!
C'mon blokes, I might be a Far North Queenslander, but I reckon all youse posters are the same persons. Betcha name is Charlie!
Well I can say honestly that I've only posted under Paul Keating in this one..
And Gough,
Glad someone remembers me - I still try and fill my whinging quota even in retirement. Turnour would do me proud with his mastery of "The Labor Whinge."
Paul, how could we forget you.....and your clocks, strange wife and natty suits!
Oh and lets not forget the incident with the Queen !!
I guess Rudd really is no different, word has it that he is buying a $5 million holiday house...now tell me where that sits with Labour values ??
Oh! Gough, is that so?
Well that won't sit well with the Commies in QLD Labor.. especially if he buys here!
Or with Rudd when they finish turning QLD into their little communist dream and seize his property!
Oh Paul, lay off that stuff. You know its not doing you any good. Next you'll be seeing John Howard with little wings and a magic wand blowing tiny little fairy kisses to the old and underprivileged whilst spraying them with multi coloured flower petals and...........
You arent far off the mark there Bob, the great unwashed ....they think when Rudd gets in and he waves his magic wand around all will be fine with our great land ....dont they realise that it takes a long time to get things right....look how long it took to fix Australia after the last Labour stint !
And lets not forget how all the Labour states and Territories have made complete messes of their dynasties.
Go Charlie !!
Oh I do love how the author of this blog is so unashamedly left wing..
yet, most of the above comments are from the fair and lovely folk inclined more towards the right..
God I love Democracy..
That's why we should vote for Charlie and the Liberal Party.. keep the Red bastards out!
Charlie McKillop for Leichhardt!
mckillop is a towel!
The towel joke is sooo yesterday.
Hear Hear, Anon.
Must love the level of intelligence of fartsmeller, too.
fartsmeller has IQ of 190 and earns $180,000 pa, so shove that up your arse.
Ps. You're obvioulsy not hip to the towel joke because the nature of the joke is that comebacks are not allowed. How can you claim the joke to be passwey when you do not even know its meaning or origin. You just made your comment coz your're a McKillop supporter.
Gee Doug, you obviously know your stuff. Maybe you could see if Michael the blogmeister could give you some space to illuminate us all with the historical political and economic evidence that Liberals are good, Labor is bad stuff that you obviously know so much about. Personally I'd be fascinated to know how losing a projected $12,854 in my salary will be good for me when my profession is forced onto AWA's if Howard the wonderful economic manager is reelected.
Oh please....IQ 190 and 180K salary, and fartsmeller is the best name you can come up with !
You my friend are now the in joke...
Young poster here. I have met Ian, Jim & Charlie so far, and let's just say there's only two there that are even worth a consideration. imho, bleached-hair, metro-glass wearing, limelight-seeking types should steer clear from a profession where you need to be able to speak with some kind of intelligence and have an electorate take you seriously.
Jim is not too bad a guy. His heart is in the right place, but does he have what it takes to take the area? When it comes to picking players for a football team, you pick the strongest contenders first. I'm not one to usually promote having women on a football team, but if they're the best person for the job, then it's an obvious choice.
This is my non-biased point of view from a young voter - thought you guys might like to hear it. I've never been happier with the way things are going in Australia, everyone I know seems to be moving along quite nicely and happy with their jobs. If it ain't broke...?
Hey Young poster, what trendy tourist outlet did you get your rose coloured glasses from?
sorry for not having a strong opinion, for the sake of being able to open my mouth.
*dons rose coloured glasses* - sometimes i really think we should pull our bloody heads in and just look at getting things done without throwing stones all the time.
Anonymous young poster and young voter,
Be strong with your beliefs, you are on the right track.
Let all the old fart whingers and whiners keep doing what they do best...that is whinge and whine and never DO anything constructive!
Keep a clear head and an open mind.....dont let them bully you.
Look foward to more of your young views.
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