Wednesday 13 August 2008

Her Worship, the Loopy Lefty Lesbian Loudmouth

This morning on 846AM, John McKenzie let a caller refer to Cairns Mayor Schier as 'a loopy lefty and lesbian loudmouth'.

Now I really don't know where to start to decipher this incredible statement. Nor do I have any privileged information to substantiate the claims.
That last time I mentioned the L word (les-be-arn; let's be friends; the folk from the island of Lesbos), it alarmed our former Mayor Kevin Byrne so much that he flicked off an official Council letter to his lawyers, Williams Graham Carmen, who donated to his election campaign, and demanded I withdraw and apologise.
"Withdraw and apologise?!" I screamed down the phone the following morning amidst a holiday abroad, to CairnsBlog's favourite defamation lawyer, Rob Miller.
It all started when, in jest, I invented a series of fake Cairns Post headlines, one of which suggested a lesbian affair of a notable Cairns' first lady (not to be confused with a Cairns 1st lady). They weren't purporting to be true, merely ridiculous, as any normal reader would have observed. The parody headlines I suggested the Cairns Post could run, instead of stories merely pretending to be stories. Defamation expert Rob Miller told me that there's no way what was written could be considered defamatory, maybe just bad taste. And bad taste is at the core of a lot of humour. He also suggested I quiet down on pushing Byrne's buttons.
So, back to the lesbians. Over a regular caffeine fix last week, with a certain spunky editor, I recounted how some around this town, not this writer though, have been referring to the town's top wimmin as the Lesbian Mafia. It's without any basis of fact, merely a reference to the power woman that rule our town. All we need is one woman to rule them all (apologies to JRR Tolkien).
Despite previous complaints against 846AM upheld by the Broadcast Authority, it seems he's willing to let the conservative loons loose on all things anti-Val. I find it hard to recall similar attacks against the previous mayor.
He has a five-second delay and kill switch, however I've never heard it being engaged when its on Macca's side of an issue. It seems that he's now running a concerted campaign against Council, even though I can't recall him ever being elected to anything other than representing those who still have a wireless with the AM band.
This morning a CairnsBlog reader told me he's filed a complaint about the latest on air outburst, both with ACMA and the Human Rights Commission. In today's editorial at the beginning of his radio show, John McKenzie again referred to teenagers, who happened to be aboriginal, as 'bastards'.
I strongly suggest if you hear any such terms that offend or denigrate, on any broadcast medium, you should also file a written complaint. Our airwaves are public property and should be used responsibly. You have to agree that this type of broadcasting is appalling.
By the way, and just in case you're wondering, the photo above isn't Val in 20 years time, although I concede the remarkable resemblance if you close one eye. It's former Portland Mayor, Dorothy McCullough Lee (1948–1952). Dear ol Dorothy maintained a sincere desire to restore what she believed were 'proper moral values to a city shaken by the social dislocation'. Among other things, Mayor Lee sponsored the first anti-gay campaign at the municipal level when she attempted to close down some of the gay and lesbian bars that had been thriving in the city since the 1940s. I thought this illustration appropriate.


Anonymous said...

I heard this comment on Macca's show, too. I too am appalled that social discourse has collapsed into a heap of childish namecalling - we've got John McKenzie to thank for this.

I've already lodged a complaint with Prime (owners of 846). Their offices are in the ACT, if others are so inclined.

Anonymous said...

Mckenzie is on the way out, and about time. he entices the misguided vacuum heads of the RIP OFF right and doesn't bother to correct their wrong views that have been given to them by himself and the cairnspost.
Tomorrow will be even more misleading when he reads from the Mossman/Port Douglas Gazette which has become a similar rag to Compost.
I hope the ratepayers of Mossman Douglas have a serious think about what is going on, even the famous Dave Egan was on mckenzie today with his bullshit,talk about desperate, they will wreck the north, ask the Quaids they know how to do it.
McKenzie is in contempt to this community!
The front page is a photo of one of the Tenni family, how surprising, they have got one too, here we have smarty Marty

Anonymous said...

Well Barry, I dont disagree with your views at all but as a member of the non-rip-off-right maybe your own stereotypes should be questioned?

Am I stupid or has the destruction of Cairns waterfront happened under Labor auspices or not? Haven't luminaries such as Boyle, Bligh and Fraser all been at times on the CPA board?

Oh dear, those developer connections? The last time I saw that disciple of the Labor Right, Graham Richardson, in town it was shortly after the Courthouse changed hands .... in the bar there .... don't think he liked being recognised as he left pronto ... but hey we all are now aware of the destruction of that site to the detriment of Cairns?

I won't even begin to mention the previously well documented accusations of Richardson's connections with Gold Coast white shoe developers and prostitutes?

The rip-off right? Open ya mind and give us a break mate?

Anonymous said...

I am worried by the viciousness of the personal attacks on the Mayor. Val Shier needs to do what Kev Byrne did: get a damned good lawyer and start legal proceedings. I have listened to some very ugly rants on the McKenzie Radio Show, which frankly chilled me to the bone. The callers never mention the other Councillors as having voted for their pay rises, rates rises etc, nor does McKenzie correct them in any way. He deliberately encourages and leads the callers in increasing their rage against the Mayor. To quote John McKenzie durng one of his programs, "I have never seen hate like this. The woman is hated." Thus, it is a personal vendetta the like of which has never before been seen in Cairns. Val Shier needs to see a lawyer, and QUICKLY. Without legal action, neither McKenzie nor Gavin King will cease.

Anonymous said...

No one can hate Val Schier as much as the Northern Beaches residents hate Sno Bloody Bonneau!!!!!! Thats why he jumped divisions at the last election. He had well and truely worn out his welcome with us. He is truly an evil, lying, dishonest representative and we were all pleased to see the back of him.

Anonymous said...

Having just received my Rates Notice, I am not pleased with the current Council, let me make that point. However, "blaming" it all on one single, solitary person, when only Cr. Pyne voted against the increase, is sheer idiocy.

Anonymous said...

Hold up PIG ...

Kevin Byrne,(on this blog), has been held responsible, from cyclone Larry to the CEC debacle. Also it was his fault that Auatralian troops are in Iran and petrol costs so much.

So now it's Val's turn ... c'mon Micheal, you're being very protective.

Anonymous said...

Quickie, we don't have Aussie troops in Iran.
As for Kev Byrne being "responsible" for troops in Iraq, if that is what you meant, it was Kev Byrne's Liberal Party which committed troops to that illegal war. As I understand it, Kev himself spoke in favour of Australian participation in the invasion of Iraq at a Liberal Party conference. Being a Vietnam veteran hasn't taught him anything obviously.

Kev Byrne also never had to contend with Cairns Post journalists chucking off at his hair, his face, his looks or radio jocks encouraging ranting abuse and insulting comments on his sexuality.
The media gave Kev an easy ride compared to what Val Shier is getting.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so fast Dish Pig!

Who knows? Maybe quickie is onto a military scoop on Australian troops in Iran?

Loose lips sink ships quickie!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been terribly impressed by this new Regional council, but then again I am in the former Douglas Shire. In saying that, Val is but one vote out of 11! What is it that people don't get about the maths? The CEO should be taking some responsibility and sharing some of the fall out for increased rates. After all it is he and his senior staff who would have "advised" on the budget. Just a reminder, when council voted on whether or not to advertise the position of CEO it was Val, Lesina, Forsythe and Leu who were out voted.

Anonymous said...

How is it that the true and genuine result of the Mayor and of the current council can ever really be determined if there is a concerted effort to undermine and destroy?
At this time so much effort is thrown into the name calling and personal bashing that sooner or later decisions will be impacted on. In affecting decisions, council business is also compromised, which, at the end of the day, only reduces the value the council can offer to its community. It seems this is exactly the result MacKenzie and the Gazette is looking for - and a sad and sorry attempt to raise their personal profiles.

Anonymous said...

America has a flotilla of naval ships off the coast of Iran right now, that much I know. This Russia/Georgia thing could be a distraction from an attack on Iran. You could be right, Anonymous above. (ROFL.) "quickie" may have let loose some secrets here!! LOL.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a damned disgrace that idiots at Cairnsblog question the right of decent people to bully those who deserve to be!

I can certainly tell all you lezo's out there that Major (3rd degree)Burns is a dmaned sight more adept with a strap-on than you lot could ever think about! Damn did that man ever make my prostate hum :)

If it's good enough for the Major to bully anybody he cared to, then its good enough for that flophaired elderly preudo-lezo lady who calls herself Mayor to share the same fate?

Doesn't that make sense?

Anonymous said...

I think it's a damned disgrace that idiots at Cairnsblog question the right of decent people to bully those who deserve to be!

I can certainly tell all you lezo's out there that Major (3rd degree)Burns is a dmaned sight more adept with a strap-on than you lot could ever think about! Damn did that man ever make my prostate hum :)

If it's good enough for the Major to bully anybody he cared to, then its good enough for that flophaired elderly preudo-lezo lady who calls herself Mayor to share the same fate?

Doesn't that make sense?

Anonymous said...

It is patently obvious there has been a concerted effort to denigrate and undermine Val Shiers from day one. The old boy’s club in full rein. As a ratepayer I’m not too happy about the rate rises and the discount loss for early payment but lets face it, no one would deliberately sabotage themselves so quickly by putting up rates unless there was no other viable alternative and let’s remember the Mayor is just one of many councillors. Of course no one considers the fact that Byrne also increased rates during his term or the way council was previously run may well have a bearing on the whole issue.

Apathy, short term memory and short term gain have plagued this city for years. At least we have a Mayor who is willing to communicate and interact with the community instead of solely with the big end of town where developers have had free rein to operate with impunity. Environmental degradation and inappropriate and unsustainable development is evident everywhere. No wonder tourists have stopped coming. What drew them here is fast disappearing under a mantle of concrete. Take a good look at the appalling Glencorp development at Clifton Beach -wanton destruction of a community in the name of greed and development. Did the former council ensure the interests of the community and ratepayers were protected and taken into account? Of course not. If you think this type of development won’t be coming to a place near you, think again. The community has no idea of the extent of development approvals handed out in the past couple of years. Ask yourself why there was a surge of development applications in the lead up to the council elections. The previous Port Douglas Council may well have been dysfunctional in some ways but at least there was debate. The only debate in the former Cairns Council was the degree of RSI suffered from rubber stamping development approvals.