Friday, 15 August 2008

Two-sided Val

Some elections deliver the most unusual of benefits to the community.

Since the March local Council election, election corfluttes have never left our sight. Over the last few weeks, disused campaign banners have doubled as canvases to advertise everything from saving the Cairns Yacht Club, the local footy sign-ons, and even a lost cat!

Even Mayor Val has donated her election billboards to advertise this weekend's annual Machans Beach market day in her neighbourhood.


Anonymous said...

Did you know Michael ...

that there's a Cairns Regional Council local law prohibiing unauthorised advertising on road reserve ...

Now who's going to tell Val?

Anonymous said...

Then I guess Council can start by prosecuting all the real estate agents open home signs stuck out on road reserves and sometimes worse every weekend? Or have they been authorised?

Anonymous said...

Small signs like open houses dont need approval,maybe we should understand the local law first before we comment.

Anonymous said...

Not even where they are stuck out beyond the footpath on road shoulders in dangerous traffic locations? I presume they dont need approval subject to not causing obstruction?

Well i did put a question mark so why don't you inform us? Whats the difference between that and a sign for the Machan's market or a garage sale?

Anonymous said...

What about the new Paradise Palms Display board (double-sided, in red, black and yellow), positioned on the corner of the Captain Cook Highway and Paradise Palms Drive, advertising Display Homes and Units.
Its a huge sign (1 metre wide by 2m tall, on wheels), in your face colour-wise and totally inappropriate for a backdrop of the scenic McAllister ranges.

And while we are talking signs, don't forget the Argentea House and Land sale banners (about 4m high X 2), on the beachfront at Clifton Beach, positioned to the front of Delaney's Creek mangroves facing the Coral Sea so that anyone walking along the beach from Palm Cove to Kewarra gets their senses bombarded by commercialisation. Christ, we cannot even take a walk on the beach to enjoy the very best of nature without advertising.

Too many bloody inappropriate signs that this Council should be monitoring and regulating properly.

Anonymous said...

Council staff claims to have already "noticed" Hedley for the illegal sign at the entrance to Paradise Lost.

And a complaint has also been filed against the giant billboard on the Kewarra Beach roundabout, advertising the Paradise Lost restaurant "59". This billboard is on state road reserve and is unpermitted.

I agree with NorthernBeachesWarrior - and support continual reporting of illegal signs to council staff--

Anonymous said...

You miss the point wimp-warrior ...
The Cairns 1st team (and their mayoral canditate).
Well, they all made a "big thing" about "unapproved" or "unauthorised" advertising during the last election.
What hypocites...

Anonymous said...

How does mackenzie get away with his talk back program that is so anti state gov't anti feds, anti cr schier anti cbh anti anything slightly left wing.The program is complete doom and gloom,What does Macca want? Kev Byrne Mayor for life, with a statue of Kev next to Capt Cook
Cheers, Taffy

Anonymous said...

McKenzie is two-faced and weak-kneed in his criticism of anyone.

He slaps politicians silly, until they show up on his show. Then he fails to ask the hard questions, and spends all his time kissing their arse as a good brownnose does. Then when they're out of earshot he gets a burst of dutch courage and rails against them again.

It's his cheesy act. He's a twofaced loser.

Anonymous said...

You have described "passive-aggressive" behaviour perfectly, Anonymous, above.