Monday, 4 August 2008

Golly, it's what we wanted Desley to say!

Any journo who bothered to turn up at Saturday's public meeting about the preservation of the 100 year old Yacht Club, and there were a number there, would have been delighted and entertained by a Desley Boyle impostor.

S/he presented a speech which I reprinted in full on the Blog.

I would have thought anyone reading it, would have realised it wasn't for real, as much as we'd love Desley to preserve and protect this unique piece of Queensland history for the future and our community.
  • "Still, as our great leader Anna Bligh often tells me, it doesn’t matter what I want. I’m here to serve the people, and what I’ve noticed is that these citizen ratbags have twice collected 5,000 signatures on a petition to preserve and adapt the cairns yacht Club building. The current petition has been collected inside a month.
    I might have wished they’d go away, but those citizen ratbags have disclosed a genuine and worthy community desire.
Even dear old Aunty ABC started to read it out on air this morning! Com on Kier, I thought you have a great sense of mirth?! He subsequently apologised to his listeners.

Veteran community campaigner Bryan Law penned the speech and presented it to around 300 at Saturday's public meeting. A copy was provided to Desley's office on Friday.

Desley advised the organisers late last week, that she wouldn't attend because she believed it was a "political meeting", however representatives from PADYC are meeting with Desley Boyle, the Member for Cairns, this week.

The next action will be a Public Rally, starting at Anzac Park, alongside the Casino, at 12 noon Wednesday 13th August. You can log on to to sign an e-petition or download a paper one. The petition closes on 15th August.

The planned demolition process is due to commence in less than 8 weeks.

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