Monday, 18 August 2008

A bad case of WorkCover

I've been hanging out to share this story for a while now, but timing is everything, as any performer will claim.

There's the story about a prostitute who was simply referred to as 'QR' (short for Queensland Rail) as he never pulled out on time. I've been trying to work that line into a story for months, and it's also about timing. Sorry, that was a rather poor segway.

Anyway, back to my story. Without photos, you'd simply think this wee tale was another CairnsBlog classic hoax, of which I've become notorious for. I said when I started this Blog that I'll become famous, and if not famous, I'll be notorious (with apologies to Oscar Wilde). The later would have be true if KB was our Mayor for another term, as I wouldn't be able to resist firing from the hip at his leadership.

This story is true-blue, fair dinkum, down the line, and at the same time, outrageously unbelievable.

For those that don't know, Work Cover is the Government agency that provides support and compensation following workplace injury about the place you don't want to visit unless you have to. They manage the compensation fund and also oversee occupational health and safety standards. Work Cover is one of a number of tenants escaping the exorbitant rents that are being charged in the Cairns Corporate tower in Lake Street.

They've probably spent millions putting this new office together. Fabulous colours, and flash decor. Nothing has been spared in this new state-of-the-art office fit out.

This week, the newly purpose-built and designed office for Work Cover at 120 Spence Street, Cairns will be officially be opened by Hon John Mickel, Minister for Transport, Trade, Employment and Industrial Relations.

I wandered past last week, on the way to lunch at Cairns Central with Northern Beaches Warrior and couldn't help but noticed a couple of astounding observations.

First there was the painter, precariously perched on a platform rushing to complete the finishing touches before this week's office opening. I giggled to myself at the irony of the situation, as workers would be discouraged from such practices to prevent a possible Work Cover claim.

However the real stunning 'design' of this new government facility is the car park at the rear of the office. As you enter, or exit, the car park, you have to negotiate a power pole right in the middle of the driveway.

If I didn't take this snap on my new iPhone, you wouldn't have believed me. As I walked back towards Spence Street, I mentioned this situation to one of the staff and they were despondent.

Someone should warn Minister Mickel to watch out when he arrives this week for tea and scones before he cuts the ribbon. I reckon the first person to need a Work Cover claim this week, will probably be a staff member at 120 Spence Street as they drive into their own carpark.


Anonymous said...

As someone who attended the opening, that pole was discussed by the Architect who designed the building and cannot be moved until the engery company does their part first.
Remember... always 2 sides to the story
Ever waited for them to come to your place?

Anonymous said...

And of course, CairnsBlog was first to report the story, now The Compost prints it 2 days later - good to see they still have their finger on the pulse!

Anonymous said...

FaB design

Workcover Inspector said...

Here is a must view link on workcover:

Story on Today Tonight Adelaide