Wednesday, 9 July 2008

How Anna Bligh is shafting the people of Cairns

Rod Williams says that Queensland Premier Anna Bligh and her confederates are shafting the people of Cairns big time.

He says that when he resided in Darwin, they never allowed the pollies to treat the locals with such contempt.

Firstly, the Cairns Hospital is a place that the State Government has had millions of dollars in treasury to fix, but she used it in Brisbane.

Secondly, the people of Cairns own the Port Authority land, but Anna Bligh uses the land for sale to bolster the coffers of the people in Brisbane so she secures her entry into Parliament.

Thirdly, she plans to sell our asset of the Cairns International Airport to get money to prop up the Cairns Hospital, and no doubt several more hospitals down the Coast. The reason she is doing this is because our people are dying on the Hospital ramps. That’s a mere Bagatelle, look out when we have the next Cyclone here.

That’s our money! Ever wondered why your rates are $1,000 or more when they should be $500? Ask Anna, she knows.

Ever wondered why you pay excess water rates? Ask Anna, she knows.

Ever wondered why Cairns ratepayers have water restrictions? Ask Anna, she knows.

But if you don’t care, why should I give a damn? You are all suckers and will remain in that category as long as you go home every day and bury your head in the sand. So long as you continue doing that, you all deserve what you get.


Anonymous said...

Rob Williams, an Honorary JP he may well be, but it is difficult to imagine what possessed anyone to confer that honour upon him. A primary requisite for the role is the ability to be objective and balanced and uphold the principles of natural justice. Let’s have a look at what Mike posted on his behalf on Wed 9th.

> “Firstly, the Cairns Hospital is a place that the State Government has had millions of dollars in treasury to fix, but she used it in Brisbane.”

She may well have Rob, but give us some evidence, some facts that support your allegation.

> “Secondly, the people of Cairns own the Port Authority land, but Anna Bligh uses the land for sale to bolster the coffers of the people in Brisbane so she secures her entry into Parliament.”

No Rob, the Cairns Port Authority is a Government Corporation with the Minister and the Treasurer as the sole shareholders. As they are elected to the Queensland Parliament by residents of Queensland it is reasonable to conclude that the people of QUEENSLAND own the Port Authority land.

> “Thirdly, she plans to sell our asset of the Cairns International Airport to get money to prop up the Cairns Hospital, and no doubt several more hospitals down the Coast. The reason she is doing this is because our people are dying on the Hospital ramps. That’s a mere Bagatelle, look out when we have the next Cyclone here.”

Anna may actually be intending to use the money on other hospitals “down the coast” but provide some facts that tend to support the suggestion. I may be wrong but to the best of my recollection no one has died [in an ambulance waiting] on the hospital ramp.

> That’s our money! Ever wondered why your rates are $1,000 or more when they should be $500? Ask Anna, she knows.

Please provide something that supports the assertion that Anna knows the state of Cairns Regional Council’s financial status, projected spending or even an idea of the operational costs

> Ever wondered why you pay excess water rates? Ask Anna, she knows.

Anna might have some idea why all Queenslanders pay excess water rates, I'd have to ask her. I do know that a requirement to pay excess water rates is an effective means of preventing wastage and abuse of a precious resource that the local government, with State Government subsidies, spends millions of dollars on providing.

> Ever wondered why Cairns ratepayers have water restrictions? Ask Anna, she knows.

I suspect Anna isn’t aware of the fact that there are water restrictions in Cairns. Having said that, the restrictions still allow Cairns residents to water their gardens for up to 12 hours per week. If you need more watering hours than that in this environment to keep your garden looking great can I recommend a good landscaper to re-design your garden to something that will cope easily?

> But if you don’t care, why should I give a damn? You are all suckers and will remain in that category as long as you go home every day and bury your head in the sand. So long as you continue doing that, you all deserve what you get.

Great attitude for an Honorary JP Rob, your great granddaddy sounds like an honourable man, seems like something has been lost from the gene pool.

I wholeheartedly support the retention of the Yacht Club – let’s achieve in an honest, rational and dignified manner.

I’m no fan of Bligh, Beattie, Boyle, Pitt, Byrne, Enstch and Schier and Wettenhall are pushing the bounds with me already – so, no, I’m not a political hack of any particular persuasion.

Anonymous said...

Isn;t Anna Bligh on the board of the Cairms Port Authority? So shouldn't she make it her business to know what is going on in Cairns or get off that board?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, The first tactic of a Public Servant is to denigrate so you have tipped your hand there, then to judge an insult a person is pretty tacky. Your last comment is about the only thing you got right. Its obvious you have not been with it for the past 28 years otherwise you would know what I have said is true. The Hospital and Rates matters are not related to the saving of Yacht Club, but I'm pleased I have your attention.

Anonymous said...

Dear 2nd anonymous

No, thankfully Anna Bligh(t) is NOT on the Board of Directors of the CPA.

Anonymous said...

I believe Anna Bligh has previously been on the CPA board before becoming Premier?