Bryan Law was given a 37-page 'Brief of Evidence', containing seven witness statements, two search warrants, along with a Police evidence bag containing a 1972 VHS video tape; 3 CDs; and three eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was, to be used as evidence against him
The judge told Law in court last week, that the prosecution had the right to call who they want, and don't want, as witnesses to testify against him.
"You have the right under the Justice system to call who you wish," he was told by the Magistrate.
Bryan Law has since spoken to the Police who are prosecuting him, on behalf of the Australian Labour Party. Law contests they are not the owner of the electorate signs he defaced.
"The prosecution has asked me to forward a submission, which I will do," Bryan Law says.
"My concern is that they never interviewed Cairns MP Desley Boyle or Channel 7 reporter Scott Forbes, two people who are at the centre of this," Law says.
Foebes was told by Boyle that she accepted the graffiti to her signs prior to the election, and wouldn't be taking any action.
Bryan Law was told that the prosecution are only interested in what was screened on TV of him defacing the signs.
"I will be serving a subpoena on Desley Boyle to appear before the Court," Bryan Law said. "The Judge agreed on this date, so we can accommodate Desley Boyle, whilst State Parliament is not sitting."The involvement by Boyle's own office staff; that the signs were ordered and invoiced to her and stored at her office and not the ALP, will be grounds to prove she is the effected party.
Law wants to hold the Cairns MP to account for her involvement in ignoring the community about not preserving the now-destroyed Yacht Club building on its historic waterfront site. Cairns Regional Councillor, Alan Blake now is advocating that the vacant land should be a public park.
The hearing is set for Friday 14th August.
TSK TSK Bryan, normally it is the candidate that foots the bill for corflutes but that invoice says ALP Cairns. They just happen to be a very well heeled party unit and rich enough to buy all the gear desley needs. Now we all know the toecutters of the ALP are vicious bastards but doubly so when one of their own turns against them - good luck Bryan
It's not who stored or ordered the signs that matters, it's who paid for them. Because if the ALP paid for them, the signs belong to the ALP not to Desley. It makes no difference who ordered them.
For Christ's Sake, Bryan Law says things as he sees them, is not setting out to hurt society but wants to hopefully improve it, is "over-the-top" at times, gets himself into situations which a lot of "high-minded" opinionated people would not place themselves - so he gets arrested. Are his opinions right or wrong? Time will tell!! The world is better for the fact that he has them and he is prepared to put them them into practice.
Politicians put up their signage and make promises, get elected on these, and then do nothing to support the promises they were elected on. They have lied, cheated, and stolen from their electorate, because the electorate's expectations have not been fulfilled.
Either the Labor Party or Desley Boyle should grow up. In this matter, they do themselves no credit.
What makes this worse - knowing how vindictive legal firms can be asked to be - and unless you have been involved in a legal issue, you don't! - then by Desley Boyle or the Labor Party not calling off the dogs in this situation, they can exacerbate Bryan Laws' health issues, which I understand he has, by protracting this as long as they want.
Now, that would get rid of the problem, wouldn't it?
Also, by making the Labor Party the the appellant rather than Desley Boyle, they wear the costs, not her, during the course of events and/or in the event of a loss.
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