Apple have approved a Cairns internet developer's iPhone application, called DrinkTracker.
I wrote last month about Yorkeys Knob based internet entrepreneur, Greg Slapp, and his iPhone application, Drink Tracker, a personal breathalyzer that also measures blood alcohol levels.
I've already download it for the nice price of $2.49 via iTunes. DrinkTracker is also supported by a comprehensive Breathalyser and Blood Alcohol calculator website called RUPissed.
This will go a long way to cementing Austraila's reputation as the home for drunken bogans and drink driving fools.
I agree with the Ratbag.
There is little discussion about this serious issue - we're leading in liver cancer, kidney failures, and other internal diseases all due to the grog.
And even when our "leaders" lose to the piss, it gets covered up. They've named part of Cazaly's after Jeff Hopgood and made the guy a local hero. Did you hear anyone point out that he died, far too young, with a huge blood alcohol reading after a single car accident at the Gold Coast? We shouldn't be naming public institutions after drink drivers.
The story about Hoppy's drink driving accident is typical of the hypocrisy shown by fellow Aussies to our drinking problems. It isn't "binge drinking", and it isn't "alcopops". It's just that a large proportion of our population are alcoholics, who drink to escape and entertain themselves.
When I take my boys thru the "Hoppy" gate at Cazaleys, I make sure they know that this nice man was an alcoholic who died driving and thru the grace of god didn't take an innocent with him.
WTF?? If you want a stepladder to help you get on your soap-box, go to Bunnings. If you want a tool that facilitates responsible drinking, get the app. Geez, the self-centred off-topic static around here is gob-smacking.
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