Is Val trying to tell us something? Should she be wearing lavender and some comfortable shoes?
Cairns Post photographer Veronica Sagredo snapped this wee gem for us all to chuckle over.
Whilst I'm all for giving some festive cheer to those less fortunate (people living in Townsville, former Mayors, right-wing Bloggers, closet gays, George Bush supports, sediment control police, Dubai call centre operators, employees of Cairns Port Authority and Desley Boyle, Belinda Neal MP, Bryan Law's alter ego: Bryan Outlaw), I just wish Val had presented some pressies to those that supported her get into office. That's all we wanted. A little more love. Some TLC for all the letterbox drops and campaigning we did to over-throw the big bad giant of Cairns, KB.
Oh, and the environment. Val could have given the environment a better pressie in her first few months in office. She's voted in direct contradiction to many pre-election statements. Check this vid out.
Maybe we'll have to put the first 9 months in office down to Labor pains? Maybe her voting and support for the people who supported her will change in 2009. Maybe.
Anyway, back to the serious business of Val-foolery. As always, I'll start the ball rolling. Keep your comments funny and reasonably on the clean side. Nah, anything goes!
- "Val, you look dashing in pink, I mean red. How about you slip into something nice later and we go for a drink?"
- "Ms Claus, this is the best fun I've had at a hospital since Desley fooled Cairns saying they'd be getting a new one!"
- "You mean it's nearly Christmas? I'm not even a Christian. I just like the over-eating at this time of year!"
- "That's some nice buns you have their Ms Mayor!"
- "I asked Peter Tabulo. Then I asked Noel Briggs. I'd have a better chance of getting Councillor Pyne to dance with me."
- "...........your turn............"
"Hey Val, where's Councillor Cochrane when you need her?!"
Smashing photo! Not as good as today's cover pic thou.
Thank you SUCKERS !!!
$200,000 salary and no leadership.
Women rule ... ho ho ho !!!
I have a dream! That one day leadership will ne judged not by the colour of the costume, but by the content of the program.
I have a dream! But in the meantime shallow trivia for the Cairns Post is something Mr Briggs will let me do. Thanks Noel.
So now, we know why Val dressed up as Mrs Clause, so she could give H & S Vision & Heldley Group a nice early chrissy present.
Approval for a development proposal worth over $500 million dollars!!
Her reward must have been something to dance about!
One of her pre-election quotes was about how the big end of town developers were running this City under a Byrne administration.
So nothing has changed?
We have swapped one arrogant prodevelopment at all costs Mayor, with another, and our lovely enviroment continues to pay a heavy toll.
A least she is ensuring that her new team of enviromental officers will have plenty of work to do in the future, with all this development in sensitive areas, and poor track records on enviromental damge that have plagued most development sites around Cairns including Hedley (part of Vision Group) when they heavily polluted Deep Creek, and were fined over $100,000 dollars.
Sadly, at the end of the day, its us rate payers/taxpayers that are paying for all the enviromental clean up, whilst the developers are raking it in and onto the next project. Once lost, our natural enviroment is lost for ever!
It's just a step to the Right...
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