Thursday, 11 December 2008

More local blogging

Not the Cairns Post is the latest blog to join independent commentary from our local community.

This nicely designed site, was created by "several Cairns citizens who bemoan the lack of truly independent press in our fair city" author Ian Turp says. They, like me, are frustrated with the quality of our local tabloid.

In a posting about the odd weekend Cairns Post column that Gavin King scribes, they say....
  • "while trying to compliment Cr Alan Blake, he manages to back-hand the compliment and sink the boot in. The icing on the cake being his throw away line in closing which once again attacks Mayor Val Schier without any justification. The comment is only loosely linked to the subject matter anyway and it seems that Gavin simply uses his position to publicly attack Val Schier whenever he gets the chance."
Sloppy journalism indeed. Actually, I don't like using that long 'j' would for some of what the Cairns Post churns out.

Not the Cairns Post say they're not specifically against the Cairns Post but think it can do a better job. "The Cairns Post, as the major local media source, is a symbol for local media in our little slice of Far North Queensland," the author says. You can email them here.

Welcome on board boys. And grrrrls.


Anonymous said...

Great to see another blog pop up, we may get rid of the Cairns Post altogether at this rate.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed the "Cairns Roast."

Needed a good laugh first thing in the morning, and the nice thing about it all, is that it is so true.

The Cairns Post lacks any form of independent thought and is heavily pro-development.
My case in point, hardly a word said about the controversial casting vote by Mayor Val Schier and Council to approve $500 million dollars worth of units and townhouses on the 9th fairway, and current driving range of this once very famous golf course. This decision overturns our very own planning scheme, that according to CRC is what all approval decisions are judged against. Not this one, it wasn't, so why was that?

Tony Hillier said...

The ComPost relinquishes its responsibility to the community, and any pretension to be taken seriously as a daily newspaper, by its woefully inadequate coverage of Council business. It is more interested in trivialising issues and denigrating and misrepresenting Mayor Schier and other councillors than engaging in fair dinkum, unbiased reporting.