Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Tourism Queensland deputy chair appointed new Council communications manager

Julie McGlone, a freelance media consultant and award-winning travel writer, who serves of the board of Tourism Queensland, has been appointed as the new corporate communications manager at Cairns Regional Council.

She takes the new title as Marketing and Communications Manager.

The appointment comes eight months after the termination of former communications manager Kerie Hull, on a $125,000 salary, who was embroiled in a damaging period for Council that cumulated in an expensive $17,000 investigation about paying for radio air time for the mayor. The saga also took the scalp of former CEO Noel Briggs, and cost Councillor Alan Blake his role as chair of the Finance committee.

I have documented the demise of Hull and the whole messy secret deal with radio 4CA in great detail, which all started after I asked why CairnsBlog was omitted from the media distribution list in early April, an action that Briggs endorsed.  A majority of Councillors disagreed with Hull and Briggs and voted accordingly.  Just two weeks later, I revealed that both Hull and Cr Blake were intertwined in the scandal, that would go on for another five months.

The whole period undoubtedly caused great mistrust in the community. At it's essence was an ill-conceived plot to discredit the mayor, which created a dark cloud over Council's communication and media relationship. McGlone's appointment will be a welcome addition to the team and long overdue, to assist in rebuilding important relationships.

Julie comes to Cairns with 25 years experience in corporate and marketing communications background, specialising in the travel industry. She will retain her position as deputy chair on the Tourism Queensland board.

"There are definite synergies which can be beneficial to both Tourism Queensland and the Council," Julie MGlone told CairnsBlog. "With tourism being one of the region's major economic drivers."

Julie has moved to Cairns from Marcus Beach on the Sunshine Coast, and brings strong credentials as an award-winning writer and editor. She has been editor of Friday Magazine, a national rural lifestyle title for six years, and also manager of publications and films for Tourism Australia. In 2005, Julie McGlone was awarded the writer of the year, and the New Zealand destination travel writer by the Australian Society of Travel Writers.

All the staff and CairnsBlog, including the cats, wish Julie well.


mr bean said...

And the clock is now ticking on how long it will take for Blake to try and climb into her pants

Lil at Yorkeys said...

I'd say 2, maybe 3 weeks, Mr. Bean. Good luck to her - but be on caution young Julie - we are OVER Spin in this country, just SO much. Communicate, in a full sense, please. That's what you are being paid for.

I am not holding my breath on this one. My cynicism gene has taken over.

How much is she being paid?
Would be interesting to know - $125,000? Gee, I'm SO glad my rates are going to spin-doctoring.