Monday, 21 June 2010

Crime Stoppers update

In partnership with the Cairns District Crime Prevention office, CairnsBlog brings you Crime Stoppers update.

Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Cairns Police on 40307000 or Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or Crime Stoppers 24hrs a day.
Crime Stoppers is a charitable community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.

Attempted robbery, Parramatta Park:
Detectives are investigating the attempted robbery of a 25-year-old woman on Saturday night. The woman was riding her bicycle along Martyn Street when she was approached by two men who pushed her from her bicycle and attempted to steal her handbag. The victim screamed out and the two offenders then ran off along Gatton Street. She sustained minor bruising and grazing as a result of the incident. The men are described as being dark skinned and aged approximately 17 years.

Man charged over traffic crash:
A 24-year-old Edmonton man was charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle yesterday after investigations into a traffic crash at Freshwater on April 10. It is alleged that at about 2.00pm on that date the man lost control of his Holden sedan near the intersection of Corkill Street and Old Freshwater Road causing it to collide with a power pole. He is scheduled to appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court on July 9.

High range drink drivers continue to create concern:
Smithfield Police were called to the scene of a traffic crash at the intersection of Machans Beach Access Road and Christensen Street at Machans Beach at about 5.30am on Saturday. It is alleged that a 26-year-old local man returned a breath alcohol reading of 0.195%. He was charged with driving a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of liquor or a drug and is due to appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court on July 8.

In another concerning incident, a 57-year-old Palm Cove woman is due to appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court on July 5 after being intercepted her on the Captain Cook Highway at about 11.40 pm on Friday. The woman allegedly returned a breath alcohol reading 0.165% after Mossman Police allegedly observed her north-bound vehicle being driven erratically. She was charged with driving a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of liquor or a drug.

Edmonton Police plead with residents to secure vehicles:
Thieves hit a number of soft targets in Mt Sheridan over the weekend and all too easily made off with property. A laptop computer, headphones and cigarettes were stolen from an unlocked vehicle after the garage door had been left open at a Melville Close residence overnight on Saturday.

In another similar incident at Mt Sheridan on Saturday night, thieves stole a wallet, a music player, shoes and a backpack from unlocked vehicle in Bromley Close.

Edmonton Police are also investigating the attempted theft of a Nissan sedan from an Alderman Street residence early on Sunday morning. Thieves entered the unlocked vehicle and rolled it out onto the street before being disturbed and running off.


Paul said...

"Described as being dark skinned".

Nice euphamism, but I think we know what that means.

Russ Parker, Sergeant Cairns District Crime Prevention said...

Hi Paul,

It's not a euphemism at all mate. The victim in this incident is not from Australia and was simply describing her attackers as accurately as she could recall. She was unaware of what race they were, however does recall that they were in fact dark skinned.

I have knowledge of this because I wrote the media release. The content of these is obtained from information contained in statements and crime reports. If the victim recalls that a person's skin was dark it is not for me or anyone else to take a guess and nominate whatever extraction we think the offender might be. We weren't there.



dallas said...

Bloody well said Russ, love your style.