Saturday, 19 June 2010

So, it's an offence to use your fog lights now

Way back in August 2007, I wrote a rant about getting pissed off with those dickheads, as I called them, who insist on using their fog lights as well as their normal car headlights.

It is something that never gets policed, but is bloody annoying when you've got four lights coming towards you instead on the usual two.

Well, tonight, low and behold, Senior Constable Anthony Kirkham was busy pulling people over on the Northern Beaches, for exactly this.

"It's an offence," Kirkham said. "I'm just warning everyone tonight, but the fact is you're not allowed to use fog lights unless the [weather] condition is poor."

This is music to my eyes. I know many Cairns' drivers have slopped into this SDS syndrome to almost blind everyone in the approaching lane.

Flick em off you guys, or we'll flash our headlights at you. Dickhead.


Jason Turner said...

I got pulled up for leaving my fog light on on the rear of my car. apparently the trucks hate them

David J Delaney said...

GOOD!!..I can't see any need for 'fog' lights to be on during the day & Jason, as an ex truckie, that rear fog light is so bright it distracts from actually seeing your stop lights, fog lights are for what the term means 'FOG'

Josh 'Harry' Emerton said...

always been an offence in qld, just rarely policed.

Jason Turner said...

i only ever use it in the fog, which we get a lot of early mornings here in Melbourne. Just one time I forgot to turn it off.

David J Delaney said...

Didn't realise you were from down that way, in fog, yes, but we have them driving around up here with front & rear blaring away.

Michael P Moore said...

well, after 10 years living in FNQ and Cairns, at leastt on the coast, we NEVER get fog! We do, however, get a lot of frogs, but that's another story.

Frank Michael Curcio (Sent from my iPad) said...

Just found your blog , what do you think of the LED day driving lights on the audis and some other high end cars?

I'm surprised there is any protest regarding the licensing price increase I suppose the fluoride in the cairns water hasn't had it's desired effect of making the plebeian population more docile

Cool blog good to see some local stuff instead of the Murdock propaganda cairns post

Cairns Resident said...

The foglight law came in October last year it's just no enforced like the mobiles while driving and keep left unless over taking etc etc

Janet Kalmadge (via Facebook) said...

Frogs! What sort of frogs, and how many?

Paul said...

I think the only traffic laws seriously enforced by any State Government are the ones that raise money. Respect for most road laws is very rare these days, but they never really attend to that, instead they just police inappropriately low speed limits in safe areas to ensure the maximum possible cash harvest.