Monday, 21 June 2010

Jim on Facebook

"The National Broadband Network a lot closer now deal done with Telstra. It's going to be great for FNQ."

- Jim Turnour, Facebook. Monday 21st June 2010


Shaped one said...

I thought that this still had to pass a shareholders meeting before it was a 'done' deal?

Jake Robertson said...

Not so good for ALL of FNQ now is it Jim?

Unknown said...

Considering that most of cairns is not covered by the nbn and further
this is a joke considering I lost my job due to this pathetic policy

Seems that jim and co are more intrested in valcanoes then doing something worthwhile for the community....


I know said...

I still want to know why jim turnour will not be honest enough to tell the voters that he was asked not to run in the next election as labor consider him to be un electable come on jim come clean or I will name the person who was asked to replace you

Unknown said...


Of course most of Cairns "most of cairns is not covered" by the NBN - its not built yet!

Syd Walker said...

The most accurate statement is that none of FNQ is covered by the NBN, not yet.

What would be worth announcing is a rollout timetable.

That was what I asked for prior to the last election, but was told to have faith... things would be better under Labor.

And so they may be, but when?

How about specific commitments re: getting FNQ onto high speed broadband?

Furthermore, can Jim Turnour assure us that the Government is not using participation in the NBN as a lever to pressure ISPs into acceptance of its plans for conpulsory internet censorship?

Leuco Gaster said...

Come on, "I Know", tell us, please, I'm longing to hear this juicy gossip - or is it possible that this is just a load of old bollocks? Perhaps you're a bit too close to one of those disgruntled old unreconstructed unionists who fear they will those their cushy job due to Anna Bligh's long overdue privatisation push?

I know said...

leuco all will be revealed when the "ranga" calls the election and no.
I will have a wine while you wait.

KitchenSlut said...

Wasn't there an ABC interview with a key NBN exec recently which seemed to indicate it was Townsville not FNQ as a focus?

Jim should be congratulated for his loyalty in clinging to kevin07 all the way over the cliff right up to the end .......

I know said...

I nearly pissed myself laughing last night when "julia I stabbed my mate to death gillard" said at the press confrence we have some good young talent and named a couple of dodos and then said at the end "oh and jim turnour" hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
might have a coldie now

Unknown said...


If one sees the original footprint by nbnco for cairns region, it shows that once built that only a very small percentage of the area's population will be covered by FTTH The remainder will be by sat or wifi. Imagine, making that 000 call via your sat service in the middle of a solar flare....

You bet you wished that you kept your old phone connected.
